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20XX 年,并不如往年一般。我们面临着一次大面积的疫情感染,但我们没有退缩,众志成城,各行各业用自己的行动去抗击疫情。“没有真正的美好生活,只是有人替你负重前行!”
The 20XX 年期间,企业提出发双倍工资,为的就是多赶制出一些口罩,可以多给我们,给医护人员提供一份保障。
Some mask factories work overtime and recall all employees in an emergency to produce disposable masks. Even during the new year, the enterprise proposed to pay double wages, so as to make more masks, which can provide us more and provide medical staff with a guarantee.
Only in the face of disaster can we show the true character of Chinese people: no fear of sacrifice, go forward bravely, unite and unite as one. We express our determination with action. No matter how difficult and challenging it is, we will do it! China will do it!
第 3 页 共 4 页 但不可否认的是,我们的相安无事,平安幸福并不是凭白无故得来的,而是在灾难面前,有人为我们负重前行
We have never experienced SARS before, and we have never encountered pneumonia today. https://m.zuowenla.cn But it is undeniable that our peace and happiness are not obtained from nothing, but in the face of disaster, some people carry on the burden for us
In the face of the epidemic, we are not doctors, we can"t save the lives and help the wounded. We don"t have huge funds to donate materials. What we can do is to protect ourselves and pay attention to health. If there is a situation, we can get medical treatment in time and don"t cause trouble to others.
In the face of the epidemic, we are united, all walks of life with their own actions, to make their own contribution to the fight against the epidemic, we are
第 4 页 共 4 页 united to make their own contribution to the fight against the epidemic!
Finally, we cheer for Wuhan and China. We are willing to win the battle against the epidemic as soon as possible.
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