2021 高考英语二轮复习中英双语阅读素材:我国脱贫攻坚战取得了全面胜利!
2 月 25 日上午,全国脱贫攻坚总结表彰大会在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。
China held a national commendation conference at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing to mark the country"s accomplishments in extreme poverty eradication
改革开放以来,按照现行贫困标准计算,我国 7.7 亿农村贫困人口摆脱贫困;按照世界银行国际贫困标准,我国减贫人口占同期全球减贫人口 70%以上。我国提前 10 年实现《联合国 2030年可持续发展议程》减贫目标。
China has lifted 770 million rural residents out of poverty since the beginning of the reform and opening-up over 40 years ago when calculated in accordance with China"s current poverty line, accounting for more than 70 percent of the global total according to the World Bank"s international poverty line.China has met the poverty
eradication target set in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule.
国家主席习近平在周四在北京举行的全国表彰大会上宣布了中国消除赤贫的决心。在这八年中,9899 万农村贫困人口全部脱贫,832 个贫困县全部摘帽,12.8 万个贫困村全部出列。区域性整体贫困得到解决,完成了消除绝对贫困的艰巨任务!
Chinese President Xi Jinping announced China"s eradication of extreme poverty at a national commendation conference held in Beijing on Thursday.During these eight years, the final 98.99 million impoverished rural residents living under the current poverty line were lifted out of poverty. All the 832 impoverished counties and 128,000 impoverished villages have been removed from the poverty list.
“脱贫”的译法 脱贫的意思是摆脱贫困。
“脱贫”常见的官方译法有以下几种↓ 01poverty elimination
据牛津词典的释义,eliminate 的词义是 to remove or get rid of sth/sb,即排除、清除、消除。因此,官方常用 poverty elimination 来表达“脱贫”或“消除贫困”。
Efforts should be made to improve local living environment, raise the local living standard, and enhance people’s ability to work, and follow-up plans and measures are also needed to sustain the results of poverty elimination.
02poverty alleviation
对于“脱贫”一词,官方也采用过“poverty alleviation”的译法。Alleviate 意为 to make sth less severe,表示减轻、缓和、缓解。
在 2019 年 的 政 府 工 作 报 告 中 就 采 用 了 “poverty alleviation”的译法:
报告提出,加大精准脱贫力度。今年再减少农村贫困人口1000 万以上,完成易地扶贫搬迁 280 万人。
We will step up targeted poverty alleviation. This year, we will further reduce the poor rural population by over 10 million, including 2.8 million people who are to be relocated from inhospitable areas.
03lift out of poverty
lift 的意思是 to raise sb/sth or be raised to a higher position or level,这一译法比较形象,lift out of poverty 的字面意思是“从贫穷状态中被举起”,即“脱离贫困”的意思。
从脱贫攻坚任务看,2018 至 2020 年,还有 3000 万左右农村贫困人口需要脱贫。
According to China’s timetable for poverty elimination, about 30 million impoverished people are to be lifted out of poverty from 2018 to 2020.
04poverty eradication
eradicate 的 词 义 是 to destroy or get rid of sth completely, especially sth bad 根 除 、 消 除 , poverty eradication 意味着从根源上消除贫困。
2019 年政府工作报告中对“脱贫”有如下描述:
The eradication of poverty and achievement of prosperity cannot happen without the support of industries.
05end poverty
end 作动词是终止、终结的意思,to end poverty 即终止贫困。
All those with the ability to work should be guided and encouraged to work for a better future with their own hands and rely on local resources to end poverty.
在关于“脱贫”的表述中,“脱贫摘帽”也是个常见词汇,它的常见官方译法为“lift out of poverty”。
例如 CGTN 在关于全国脱贫摘帽的报道中提到:
贵州省 66 个国家级贫困县全部脱贫摘帽。
All 66 impoverished counties in southwest China"s Guizhou Province have been lifted out of poverty.
01poverty elimination/ poverty elimination campaign
中国脱贫攻坚目标是在 2020 年解决区域性整体贫困问题。
The country is expected to eliminate overall regional poverty by the year 2020.
The goals of China’s poverty elimination campaign are to lift all disadvantaged people out of poverty as scheduled, and to bring local economic and social development to a higher level.
02declare victory over poverty
declare victory 是宣告胜利的意思,宣告战胜贫困意味着打赢了脱贫攻坚战。
China"s Xinjiang and Yunnan declare victory over absolute poverty.
03win the battle against poverty
win the battle 与 declare victory 译法相近,强调的是战胜贫困。
To win the battle against poverty, the central leadership has worked out a plan for developing new economic activity in poor areas with a host of supporting policies. 中共十九大报告提出坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战。
The CPC set the task of winning the battle against poverty in its report to the 19th National Congress.
“扶贫”的译法 扶贫是保障贫困户的合法权益、取消贫困负担、促进生产摆脱贫困的一种社会工作。国务院扶贫开发自 1986 年开始。
01poverty alleviation
alleviate 意为 to make sth less severe,即减轻、缓和的意思。我们看到,官方除了在上述“脱贫”的表述中使用 poverty alleviation 外,还用其表示“扶贫”。
例如李克强总理在 2019 年政府工作报告中提到:
We will take targeted measures against corruption and misconduct in poverty alleviation, and improve the methods used in evaluation and oversight.
02poverty relief
relief 在牛津词典中的定义是 food, money, medicine, etc. that is given to help people in places where has been a war or natural disaster,即救济、援助的释义,poverty relief 就有帮扶贫困地区和贫困人口的意思。
例如 China Daily 的报道中提到:
10 月 17 日是第六个国家扶贫日,国务院扶贫开发领导小组办公室表示,预计到今年年底,全国 95%现行标准的贫困人口将实现脱贫。
Ninety-five percent of the country"s poor population will escape poverty by the end of the year, China"s
top poverty relief office said on Friday in the run-up to the sixth National Poverty Relief Day on Oct 17.
03poverty reduction
外交部发言人赵立坚在 11 月 20 日回答记者提问时提到:
China"s visions on poverty alleviation, including "targeted poverty reduction" and "tailoring policies to local conditions", are drawing more and more attention from the international community.
从上述例子中,我们可以看到常见的一个说法“精准扶贫”的译法,除了译作 targeted poverty reduction 外,还可译作targeted poverty alleviation或targeted poverty relief,例如:
Targeted poverty alleviation and elimination have gained extensive support across the country.
减贫一般翻译为 poverty reduction,官方译法也可见poverty eradication。
Reduction 的动词为 reduce,意为减少,poverty reduction为减贫的直接译法。
改革开放 40 多年来,中国经济社会发展取得巨大成就,几亿贫困人口脱贫,完成这期间全世界超 70%的减贫任务。
Since the launch of reform and opening up in 1978, China has made great economic and social progress. The hundreds of millions of people that China has lifted out of poverty account for over 70 percent of global poverty reduction during the period.
外交部发言人赵立坚在 11 月 20 日回答记者提问时提到:
China is taking concrete actions to support poverty eradication worldwide.
相关热词搜索: 攻坚战 脱贫 双语