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时间:2021-10-15 12:18:27 来源:网友投稿


 要 “农民、农村、农业”问题一直备受社会广泛关注,在城镇化进程加速的新常态,农村劳动力不断向城市转移就业,农业发展面临后继劳动力不足的现实问题。2012 年中央一号文件提出“大力培育新型职业农民”,党的十八大以来,我国已经进入全面建设小康社会的关键阶段,但部分地区农村贫困问题依然是一块短板,不利于我国经济建设的整体发展。实施农村扶贫开发措施,我们把连片特困地区的扶贫工作当做重要事情来抓。我国全面部署实施“精准扶贫”战略,提出全方位解决农村贫困问题。五年来,脱贫攻坚战取得决定性进展,六千多万贫困人口稳定脱贫,贫困发生率从 10.2%下降到 4%以下,民群众的生活水平在不断改善、幸福指数节节攀升。根据十九大报告相关要求,从现在到 2020 年,中国进入全面建成小康社会的决胜期,要实现在现行标准下农村贫困人口全部脱贫,扶贫的重要性,小康社会建设,社会主义市场经济制度优越性的体现,目标艰巨,意义重大。


 ABSTRACT 靠、要”思想、调整他们安于现状、不求上心的心态,最终达到小康水平的生活目标。

 南召县在 2012 年末全县总人口 643465 人,常住人口 551366 人,是国家级贫困县,现有贫困村 89 个,贫困人口 7.26 万人,全县农业基础设施薄弱,工业化程度低,城镇化水平不高,农村社会事业发展滞后,贫困人口致富能力差。脱贫攻坚任务艰巨,在南召县委、县政府和全县人民的共同努力下,扶贫开发工作成效初显。随着精准扶贫工作的深入推进,根据南召地理位置、资源环境以及贫困人口的人力资源培训概况,南召县在农业生产中存在着扶贫开发方式单一、返贫率高等现象。


 本论文运用舒尔茨人力资本投资理论、阿玛蒂亚森贫困理论,将精准扶贫与农业培训开发开发二者有机结合,根据 N 县基本概况、贫困人口状况、人力资源概况及精准扶贫开发工作的推进情况,构建精准扶贫与农业培训开发的内在联系,结合县情、人力资源培训资概况、贫困状况以及精准扶贫开发现状,有目的性进行研究。针对主要致贫原因,农业培训开发的可行性及做法,从政府层面、社会层面、个人层面对农业生产中精准扶贫机制下人力资源培训开发存在的不足进行梳理,提出合理化建议。

 关 键 词:精准扶贫;人力资源培训开发;南召县;农业生产中;措施

 ABSTRACT In recent years,The poor governance system and policy adopted in different countries and different stages of development are quite different. After the founding of new China, the backward productivity and the poverty of the people have seriously restricted the healthy development of the socialist economy. Since the reform and opening up, in the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, through the joint efforts of all the Chinese people, China has experienced a "widespread poverty" and "regional poverty" and "basic poverty" in different stages of the poverty alleviation work in our country has made great achievement. Since the eighteen years of the party, China has entered a critical stage of building a well-off society in an all-round way, but the rural poverty problem in some areas is still a short board, which is not conducive to the overall development of China"s economic construction. To implement the measures for poverty alleviation and development in rural areas, we should take the poverty alleviation work in contiguous poverty-stricken areas as an important task. China comprehensively deploys the strategy of "precision poverty alleviation", and puts forward a comprehensive solution to the problem of rural poverty. In five years, poverty battle to make decisive progress, stable about sixty million poor people out of poverty, the poverty rate fell from 10.2% to 4%, people"s living standards continue to improve, the happiness index rose steadily. According to the 19th report the relevant requirements, from now until 2020 years, Chinese entered the comprehensive well-off society to achieve victory, under the current standards of rural poverty alleviation all out of poverty, the importance of building a well-off society, embodies the superiority of the socialist market economy system, the goal is arduous, significant. There are many reasons for the poor population. As far as the human resource module is concerned, the poor areas are often lack of labor ability, low education level, poor physical quality, etc., and there is no advantage in the employment competition. It is of great significance to eliminate poverty, improve people"s livelihood, change the

 ABSTRACT ideas and methods of poverty alleviation and development, and implement precise human resources development. To teach a man fish is better than to teach him to fish." Poverty alleviation should not only improve the living environment of the poor population, but also combine poverty alleviation with support and intelligence, focus on developing the human resources of the poor population, release the demographic dividend, and improve the quality of human resources. To stimulate the poor internal power, overcome "and rely on" thought, they are not seeking care, adjust the mentality, finally reached the well-off level goal in life. Nanzhao county at the end of 2012 the total population of 643465 people, the resident population of 551366 people, is a state-level poverty-stricken counties, the existing 89 poor villages, poverty population of 72 thousand and 600 people, the county agricultural infrastructure is weak, low level of industrialization, the urbanization level is not high, the development of rural social undertakings lags behind, the poor rich poor. The arduous task of poverty alleviation, in the joint efforts of Nanzhao county government and the people of the county, the effectiveness of poverty alleviation and development research. With the deepening of precise poverty alleviation, according to geographical location, Nanzhao resources environment and poor human resources situation, we can find that there are Nanzhao county poverty alleviation and development, poverty rate of single higher phenomenon. In depth analysis of the reasons for the poor population of human resources development is not enough attention, human resources development related policies are not in place is the main reason. This paper through the investigation of Nanzhao precise poverty and human resources situation, identify problems, put forward reasonable suggestions on the Nanzhao county poverty alleviation precise human resources development work under the background has important practical significance, to the rest of the precise poverty alleviation in human resource development is also useful. This paper uses the Schultz theory of human capital investment, Amartya Sen poverty theory, combining the precise poverty alleviation and development of human capital in two, according to the N county basic situation, poverty status, human resource situation and precise poverty alleviation work in advance, the inner link between constructing precise poverty and human resources development, combined with the general situation, human resources, poverty and poverty alleviation precise development status, research purpose. In view of the main causes of poverty, precise

 human resources development feasibility and practice, combing face the problems of poverty alleviation precise human resources development mechanism from the government level and the social level and individual level, put forward reasonable suggestions。

 KEY WORDS: mechanism of targeted poverty alleviation; human resource developing; Nanzhao city;Measures Dissertation type: Project management class. Subject source: Project entrusted by enterprises and institutions.


 1 目 目

 录 第 一章 章 绪论

 ................................ ...............

 4 4

 1.1 研究背景 ................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 研究意义 ................................................................................ 错误! 未定义书签。

 1.3 研究方法 ................................................................................................................ 5 1.4 研究思路 ................................................................................................................ 7 第 二章 章 相关理论与文献综述



 2.1 相关概念界定 ........................................................................................................ 8 2.1.1 贫困概念 ............................................................................. 错误! 未定义书签。

 2.1.2 精准扶贫概念 ..................................................................... 错误! 未定义书签。

 2.1.3 农业培训概念 ................................................................................................... 13 2.2

 相关理论 ............................................................................................................ 14 2.2.1 贫困致因理论 ................................................................................................... 15 2.2.2 赋权理论 ............................................................................. 错误! 未定义书签。

 2.2.3 共同富裕理论 ................................................................................................... 17 2.2.4 农业培训就业理论 ........................................................................................... 17 2.3 农业培养与脱贫相关文献综述 .......................................................................... 18 2.3.1 国内相关研究 ................................................................................................... 19 2.3.2 国外相关研究 ................................................................................................... 20 2.4 扶贫工作的社会实践 .......................................................................................... 21 2.4.1 我国扶贫实践 ................................................................................................... 21 2.4.2 国际上的扶贫实践 .................................

相关热词搜索: 脱贫 精准 扶贫
