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时间:2022-11-02 18:15:03 来源:网友投稿


摘 要:目前国内氧化铝厂空压站大多采用传统空气干燥器。该类干燥装置能耗高,气耗高,在氧化铝厂压缩空气供应的成本中占比较大。结合铝行业节能控本的要求,传统的空气干燥器急需跟新换代。本文简述了新型空气干燥装置的特点,并结合工程实例,介绍了新型干燥装置的应用。


Abstract: Currently the air station in alumina plant in China mostly use traditional air dryer. These type of drying apparatus are high energy consumption, high air consumption, and take larger proportion of the alumina plant compressed air supply costs. Under the demands of the alumina plant energy efficiency and lower costs requirements, the traditional air dryer faced with the new generation replacement. This article first introduces the characteristics of a new generation of air-drying apparatus and combined with specific examples of projects in alumina plant, introduces the application of a new generation drying device.

Keywords: Compressed air drying; Gas generator; Adsorption air drying apparatus; Energy Saving

中圖分类号:TU831 文献标识码:A

相关热词搜索: 浅谈 氧化 干燥 装置 铝厂