现状,汉语词语,拼音是xiàn zhuàng,指当前的状况。出自《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一回, 以下是为大家整理的关于大学生就业现状分析图表6篇 , 供大家参考选择。
通过查阅大学生就业方面的数据,我国大学生就业率通过数据显示出一些问题,该数据显示:2001年有50%的专科生没有找到婆家;2002年全国普通高校未就业的专科生未就业的共有34.8万人,2003年,全国高校的大专毕业生的就业率跌破最低点,仅有30%暂时成功就业。 可见,在如此惨烈的战役中,能侥幸存活的大专生还真的不多,有的甚至一两年后还没就业。远的不说,以我所毕业的那个专科班为例,三十多个专科生,他(她)们绝大部分来自农村,三年的时间已经过去了,到现在只有三四个人的就业情况比较好,其他人多半暂时就业且不断地换工作,生活也基本都处于糊口阶段,挣的钱只够自己日常开销和租房费用,存的钱只够再找份工作。在求职市场饱受令人寒心的冷遇,专科生毕业找工作的起点已经是相当的低,个人将来的发展自然很成问题。
大学教育,已经脱离了大学最初教育的初衷,大学的扩招,造成了现如今大学生培育质量高,追求速度等一系列问题。本科注重的应该是培养理论型研究人才,而专科注重培养应用型的技术人才,这是本科教育和专科教育的根本区别所在。 从人才的类型来看,这应该是一个金字塔式的平台,博士生,研究生,本科生位于塔尖,然后是专科生,高职生,中专生等则在下面,越往上走人数应该越少,社会普遍需要的是应用型实践型人才,因为不可能有那么多的人才都来搞研究。从我国大专生招生人数与本科生招生人数所成比例来看,本科生和大专生比例严重失调,本科生和专科生的人数几乎对等,而在其他很多国家,专科生的比例远大于本科生,甚至比本科生更容易找到工作。
而我国的大专生,就业率更低,毕业即失业成为大部分大专生的常态。另外的一个既成事实是很多追求高学历的人不是用来搞研究,而仅仅是为了增加找工作时的筹码,这对国家的教育资源、人力资源都是一种极大的浪费。 还有一个更值得深思的问题是,在我国大学毕业生当中,专科生和本科生的能力究竟有多大的区别?专家解释大专生就业难的惯常说法就是,专科毕业生既缺乏知识的广度与深度,又缺乏熟练的专业技能。我不否认,但这只是现象,而不是根本原因,我要问的是,什么造成了专科生缺乏知识的深度和熟练的专业技能呢?
在大学扩招的同时,已经忘记培养本科学生的目的是什么,如何区别对待本科生与专科生,在培养模式上专科往往只是本科专业在内容和学时上的简单压缩。很多大学里同专业专科生和本科生前两年半开设的课程和教材完全一样,平时也都是在一起上专业课和公共课,甚至考卷也相同,惟一不同的是本科生毕业前半年增加三到四门课程,时间上比专科生多学五个月。所谓的知识广度就在这里吧,但知识深度值得怀疑,稍有学习常识的人都知道,五个月学三四门课程并不是件容易事。 在大学呆过的人也都知道,大学老师讲课最常用的方法就是串讲,而串讲是怎么回事呢?就是将课程中的重点(也是考试重点)挑出来讲讲,然后大家自己回去看,到时参加考试就行。可见,专科生和本科生的能力相差其实并不大,但就是这短短的五个月,造成了本科生和专科生在找工作时所受待遇的天壤之别!
The analysis on market investigation
of employment guidance
of college students
PartⅠ The basic information of informants
Number of our research objects: 30
1. The rates of gender
From the graph, we could clearly find that male research objects account for 43%, and the female account for 57%, female are a little more than male.
2. The distribution of grade
The sampling grades include freshman, sophomore and junior. The number of sampling grade is corresponding with objective condition that freshman, sophomore and junior account for 33% respectively. Thus, our results are impartial to any grade; it can delegate the whole college students group.
PartⅡ The analysis of questionnaire main body
A.External factors analysis
1.Monthly cost standard
Related question: 22
Look at the diagram of monthly cost standard, 13% students’ consumption level below 400RMB, seen as impoverished level according to present price index. 400—600RMB (being adequately fed and clad) and 600—800RMB(being fairly well- off) separately account for 43% and 27%, the group that monthly consumption more than 800RMB(plentiful level) only reach 13%.
Thus it can be seen that most college students just stand in maintaining the basic life state. For this group, we should pay more attention to the price we fixed. Most students prefer to the products or services value for money. Hence, we should spend our energy on high rate of capability to price training to broad our target customers.
question 22
2.Channel to receive information
Related question: 19
question 19
From the bar chart, we could clearly see that employment website, recruitment conference in the campus, students’ employment direction center and recruitment conference in the society are the main channels for students to receive recruitment information. Especially employment website and recruitment conference in the campus present an increasing tendency.
In my opinion, we should advertise our employment guidance situation through these channels to attract more customers in the buyer’s market. When students see recruitment information, they also could find our uesful guidance to help them obtain their satisfied job. These channels are useful to our promotion.
B.Internal factors analysis
ⅰThe view of present job- hunting situation
Related question: 1, 2
question 1
question 2
The data of question 1 show that 83% of college students deem the present job- hunting situation is extremely hard while 17% of them think its normal, and none of them believe the present job- hunting situation is easy.
I also think the present job- hunting situation is hard.
The data of question 2 show that be short of professional knowledge and technical ability and lack of job-seeking tactic are the top two effective elements lead to the hard situation. 20 people choose lack of job-seeking tactic while 16 people choose be short of professional knowledge and technical ability; 8 people think excessive graduates also is a main reason; 3 People choose financial crisis and 2 people choose lack of practice experience.
In my opinion, our employment guidance situation can offer job-seeking psychological consultancy to the people who choose be short of professional knowledge and technical ability and lack of practice experience in order to increase their confidence; and can provide them professional training for some occupation. We also could provide job-seeking psychological consultancy to the people who choose financial crisis and excessive graduates. In addition; we can offer job-seeking tactic guidance for the people who choose lack of job-seeking tactic.
ⅱ popular job with college students
Related question: 7, 8, 21
question 7
The data of question 7 show that the 27% of college students want to enter Education vocation, 17% of them want to develop in Finance security and insurance vocation; rate of IT and Telecommunication, Government mechanism and other vocation account for 13% respectively; 10% of college students want to enter the Fast consumer trade while the rest 7% choose Press.
In graph of question 8, 46% of students think good promotion Prospect is the important reason to enter a vocation while 27% select stability of the work. Then 13% choose job fit the major. High income and more opportunity to start a business account for 7% respectively in all the reasons.
question 8
Graph of question 21 like graph 8 also show that good promotion Prospect and stability of the work are main factors to choose a job.
question 21
From graphs of question 8 and question 21, it could clearly see that the top elements to choose a job are good promotion Prospect and stability of the work. The two factors show their absolute advantage.
ⅲ About perplexed elements and challenge
Related question: 9, 10,
In graph of question 9, be short of professional knowledge and skills account for18% is the top bother factor in job-hunting. Then lack of practice experience and lack of job-seeking tactic hold 15% respectively; shortage of business recruitment information and recruitment procedure and requirements occupy 12% and 10% separately; inadequate ability, the reputation of school and Certificates also has influences.
question 9
In bar chart of question 10, professional knowledge and skills and Practice experience posses absolute advantage in the aspects need to improve. It is same with the result of question 9.
question 10
From graphs of question 9, 10, it can find that the top perplexed elements are professional knowledge, practice experience, job-seeking tactic and business recruitment information.
In my words, we could offer job-seeking psychological consultancy and job-seeking tactic training to the people who choose lack of professional knowledge, practice experience and other personal quality to increase their confidence and interview skills.
In addition, we also can build good relationship with some businesses to attract customers by providing recruitment information and practice opportunities.
Last, I find that little people pay attention to the professional image and behavior, so I think that’s the market blank because we all know the importance of image. We could use combination of image training and other professional training to promote our service like bundle—product pricing.
ⅳ ideal working place
Related question: 11, 12
question 11
In table of question 11, 43% students want work in shanghai, Shenzhen or other prosperous cities while 30% choose Zhengzhou, Xi’an or other cities in the middle of china; 10% like to work in Beijing, 3% select Xizang, Yinchuan or other cities in the west of china and 7% choose hometown. Also, 7% choose other cities like HongKong and cities oversea.
question 12
From the bar chart of question 12,we can see that the main reason to choose workplace is good promotion Prospect. Their decision also influenced by better condition for qualified personnel and more opportunity to start a business. Certainly, some choose the place because of contributing to hometown.
In my words, 43% students want work in Shanghai, Shenzhen or other prosperous cities because of good promotion Prospect and better condition for qualified personnel. People choose Zhengzhou because most of our research objects are from Henan province; they like to back to hometown owing to their family relationship and the environment to start a business. Our institution can build relationship with business in big cities and Zhengzhou to attract customers.
It can be conclude that 43% students want work in Shanghai, Shenzhen or other prosperous cities because of good promotion Prospect and better condition for qualified personnel or start a business.
ⅴ About salary
Related question: 13, 14
question 13
question 14
From graphs of question 13 and 14, it could clearly find that 40% choose salay standand in 2001—3000RMB and 33% choose 1001—2000RMB while 27% want more than 3000RMB in three years. They decide their salay standand according to the main reason Self-appraisal (60%), and consider other elements like the human resource market (27%), the condition of the business (10%) and suggestions from teachers, parent or friends (3%).
ⅵ job-hunting guidance
Related question: 6, 15, 16, 17, 18
question 6
In diagram of question 6, students want to accept the employment guidance when they are junior occupy 83% while 17% think senior is better time. No one choose freshman and sophomore.
I think people choose junior because they want get useful training before job—hunting. Freshman and sophomore are early and senior is late.
question 15
Table of question 15 show that 44% like the style of small training class within 10 people and 30% prefer one to one when 23% choose middle training class within 20 people. The rest 3% select large class more than 50 people.
question 16
Graph of question 16 show that 60% students choose upper method because it is convenient for discussion and learn from others, 37% like customize service and 3% because of enlarging social relationships.
In my opinion, people choose small or middle class because they want learn from others.
question 17
In graph of question 17, it is infelect that 28% students want to obtain consultancy of career planning while 26% hope gain the employer’s information. Then 21% want develop their interview skills; the students want to get information about direction of major or psychological consultancy for job-hunting separately occupy 10%,only 5% students choose professional image and behavior.
I think consultancy of career planning could be our target object to promote. Then I set a series about career planning implementation.
From figure of question 18, 54% choose 10—15 per/hour, 23% could accept 15-20RMB/ per hour and 20% choose 20-30RMB/ per hour. Only 3% can accept 30-40RMB/ per hour, none choose more than 40RMB per hour
question 18
Summarise for 15,16,17,18: from these figures, it can be inclued that most students choose lower price but want to get the service with high rate of capability to price, they want spend little money to get best service. So we should pay attention on the training design and pricing to attract our target customers.
ⅶ occupation plan
Related question: 3, 4, 5
50% students don’t have occupation plan, but the rest has.
I think that maybe some of people don’t have clear plan in the half of Yes; they choose it just don’t hope others have negative impression. Thus we still have market in that part of people and the students with No.
question 3
I set this question 4 from 2 different sides. So we should think this problem comprehensively. First, from the answers they have planed and want to get, we could see that people concer fixed occupation position (30%), the tactic of implement (22%) and personal quality like confidence, perseverance (19%). We could design our course base on these data to enlarge our customer group. From another point of view, we also could create new market by setting the course about Self-appraisal and situation commentary.
question 4
Diagram of question 5 present that 40% choose 200—500RMB,1500—2000% hold 17%, 500-800 RMB and 1000-15OO RMB separately account for 13%, 800-1000 RMB occupy 10% while more then 2000RMB seize 7%.
I think most students want to get the service at a low price, but some of them recognize the importance of occupation plan, so they are willing to spend more money in buying best service.
question 5
ⅷ Finacial budget
The figure of question 20 indicate that finacial budget in job—hunting. 800-1000RMB (37%) dominate the price range, 500-800RMB occupy 27% of total range, below 500RMB and 1000-1500RMB hold 13% respectively. 3% choose 1500-2000RMB and 7% budget more than 2000RMB.
I think that our market prospect is considerable because 800-1000RMB (37%) is the dominate price range can accept by our customers. 3% choose 1500-2000RMB and 7% budget more than 2000RMB indicate that our upmarket is anticipatable; this group think its worth to spend money on job—hunting guidance.
question 20
The analysis on market investigation
of employment guidance
of college students
PartⅠ The basic information of informants
Number of our research objects: 30
1. The rates of gender
From the graph, we could clearly find that male research objects account for 43%, and the female account for 57%, female are a little more than male.
2. The distribution of grade
The sampling grades include freshman, sophomore and junior. The number of sampling grade is corresponding with objective condition that freshman, sophomore and junior account for 33% respectively. Thus, our results are impartial to any grade; it can delegate the whole college students group.
PartⅡ The analysis of questionnaire main body
A.External factors analysis
1.Monthly cost standard
Related question: 22
Look at the diagram of monthly cost standard, 13% students’ consumption level below 400RMB, seen as impoverished level according to present price index. 400—600RMB (being adequately fed and clad) and 600—800RMB(being fairly well- off) separately account for 43% and 27%, the group that monthly consumption more than 800RMB(plentiful level) only reach 13%.
Thus it can be seen that most college students just stand in maintaining the basic life state. For this group, we should pay more attention to the price we fixed. Most students prefer to the products or services value for money. Hence, we should spend our energy on high rate of capability to price training to broad our target customers.
question 22
2.Channel to receive information
Related question: 19
question 19
From the bar chart, we could clearly see that employment website, recruitment conference in the campus, students’ employment direction center and recruitment conference in the society are the main channels for students to receive recruitment information. Especially employment website and recruitment conference in the campus present an increasing tendency.
In my opinion, we should advertise our employment guidance situation through these channels to attract more customers in the buyer’s market. When students see recruitment information, they also could find our uesful guidance to help them obtain their satisfied job. These channels are useful to our promotion.
B.Internal factors analysis
ⅰThe view of present job- hunting situation
Related question: 1, 2
question 1
question 2
The data of question 1 show that 83% of college students deem the present job- hunting situation is extremely hard while 17% of them think its normal, and none of them believe the present job- hunting situation is easy.
I also think the present job- hunting situation is hard.
The data of question 2 show that be short of professional knowledge and technical ability and lack of job-seeking tactic are the top two effective elements lead to the hard situation. 20 people choose lack of job-seeking tactic while 16 people choose be short of professional knowledge and technical ability; 8 people think excessive graduates also is a main reason; 3 People choose financial crisis and 2 people choose lack of practice experience.
In my opinion, our employment guidance situation can offer job-seeking psychological consultancy to the people who choose be short of professional knowledge and technical ability and lack of practice experience in order to increase their confidence; and can provide them professional training for some occupation. We also could provide job-seeking psychological consultancy to the people who choose financial crisis and excessive graduates. In addition; we can offer job-seeking tactic guidance for the people who choose lack of job-seeking tactic.
ⅱ popular job with college students
Related question: 7, 8, 21
question 7
The data of question 7 show that the 27% of college students want to enter Education vocation, 17% of them want to develop in Finance security and insurance vocation; rate of IT and Telecommunication, Government mechanism and other vocation account for 13% respectively; 10% of college students want to enter the Fast consumer trade while the rest 7% choose Press.
In graph of question 8, 46% of students think good promotion Prospect is the important reason to enter a vocation while 27% select stability of the work. Then 13% choose job fit the major. High income and more opportunity to start a business account for 7% respectively in all the reasons.
question 8
Graph of question 21 like graph 8 also show that good promotion Prospect and stability of the work are main factors to choose a job.
question 21
From graphs of question 8 and question 21, it could clearly see that the top elements to choose a job are good promotion Prospect and stability of the work. The two factors show their absolute advantage.
ⅲ About perplexed elements and challenge
Related question: 9, 10,
In graph of question 9, be short of professional knowledge and skills account for18% is the top bother factor in job-hunting. Then lack of practice experience and lack of job-seeking tactic hold 15% respectively; shortage of business recruitment information and recruitment procedure and requirements occupy 12% and 10% separately; inadequate ability, the reputation of school and Certificates also has influences.
question 9
In bar chart of question 10, professional knowledge and skills and Practice experience posses absolute advantage in the aspects need to improve. It is same with the result of question 9.
question 10
From graphs of question 9, 10, it can find that the top perplexed elements are professional knowledge, practice experience, job-seeking tactic and business recruitment information.
In my words, we could offer job-seeking psychological consultancy and job-seeking tactic training to the people who choose lack of professional knowledge, practice experience and other personal quality to increase their confidence and interview skills.
In addition, we also can build good relationship with some businesses to attract customers by providing recruitment information and practice opportunities.
Last, I find that little people pay attention to the professional image and behavior, so I think that’s the market blank because we all know the importance of image. We could use combination of image training and other professional training to promote our service like bundle—product pricing.
ⅳ ideal working place
Related question: 11, 12
question 11
In table of question 11, 43% students want work in shanghai, Shenzhen or other prosperous cities while 30% choose Zhengzhou, Xi’an or other cities in the middle of china; 10% like to work in Beijing, 3% select Xizang, Yinchuan or other cities in the west of china and 7% choose hometown. Also, 7% choose other cities like HongKong and cities oversea.
question 12
From the bar chart of question 12,we can see that the main reason to choose workplace is good promotion Prospect. Their decision also influenced by better condition for qualified personnel and more opportunity to start a business. Certainly, some choose the place because of contributing to hometown.
In my words, 43% students want work in Shanghai, Shenzhen or other prosperous cities because of good promotion Prospect and better condition for qualified personnel. People choose Zhengzhou because most of our research objects are from Henan province; they like to back to hometown owing to their family relationship and the environment to start a business. Our institution can build relationship with business in big cities and Zhengzhou to attract customers.
It can be conclude that 43% students want work in Shanghai, Shenzhen or other prosperous cities because of good promotion Prospect and better condition for qualified personnel or start a business.
ⅴ About salary
Related question: 13, 14
question 13
question 14
From graphs of question 13 and 14, it could clearly find that 40% choose salay standand in 2001—3000RMB and 33% choose 1001—2000RMB while 27% want more than 3000RMB in three years. They decide their salay standand according to the main reason Self-appraisal (60%), and consider other elements like the human resource market (27%), the condition of the business (10%) and suggestions from teachers, parent or friends (3%).
ⅵ job-hunting guidance
Related question: 6, 15, 16, 17, 18
question 6
In diagram of question 6, students want to accept the employment guidance when they are junior occupy 83% while 17% think senior is better time. No one choose freshman and sophomore.
I think people choose junior because they want get useful training before job—hunting. Freshman and sophomore are early and senior is late.
question 15
Table of question 15 show that 44% like the style of small training class within 10 people and 30% prefer one to one when 23% choose middle training class within 20 people. The rest 3% select large class more than 50 people.
question 16
Graph of question 16 show that 60% students choose upper method because it is convenient for discussion and learn from others, 37% like customize service and 3% because of enlarging social relationships.
In my opinion, people choose small or middle class because they want learn from others.
question 17
In graph of question 17, it is infelect that 28% students want to obtain consultancy of career planning while 26% hope gain the employer’s information. Then 21% want develop their interview skills; the students want to get information about direction of major or psychological consultancy for job-hunting separately occupy 10%,only 5% students choose professional image and behavior.
I think consultancy of career planning could be our target object to promote. Then I set a series about career planning implementation.
From figure of question 18, 54% choose 10—15 per/hour, 23% could accept 15-20RMB/ per hour and 20% choose 20-30RMB/ per hour. Only 3% can accept 30-40RMB/ per hour, none choose more than 40RMB per hour
question 18
Summarise for 15,16,17,18: from these figures, it can be inclued that most students choose lower price but want to get the service with high rate of capability to price, they want spend little money to get best service. So we should pay attention on the training design and pricing to attract our target customers.
ⅶ occupation plan
Related question: 3, 4, 5
50% students don’t have occupation plan, but the rest has.
I think that maybe some of people don’t have clear plan in the half of Yes; they choose it just don’t hope others have negative impression. Thus we still have market in that part of people and the students with No.
question 3
I set this question 4 from 2 different sides. So we should think this problem comprehensively. First, from the answers they have planed and want to get, we could see that people concer fixed occupation position (30%), the tactic of implement (22%) and personal quality like confidence, perseverance (19%). We could design our course base on these data to enlarge our customer group. From another point of view, we also could create new market by setting the course about Self-appraisal and situation commentary.
question 4
Diagram of question 5 present that 40% choose 200—500RMB,1500—2000% hold 17%, 500-800 RMB and 1000-15OO RMB separately account for 13%, 800-1000 RMB occupy 10% while more then 2000RMB seize 7%.
I think most students want to get the service at a low price, but some of them recognize the importance of occupation plan, so they are willing to spend more money in buying best service.
question 5
ⅷ Finacial budget
The figure of question 20 indicate that finacial budget in job—hunting. 800-1000RMB (37%) dominate the price range, 500-800RMB occupy 27% of total range, below 500RMB and 1000-1500RMB hold 13% respectively. 3% choose 1500-2000RMB and 7% budget more than 2000RMB.
I think that our market prospect is considerable because 800-1000RMB (37%) is the dominate price range can accept by our customers. 3% choose 1500-2000RMB and 7% budget more than 2000RMB indicate that our upmarket is anticipatable; this group think its worth to spend money on job—hunting guidance.
question 20
The analysis on market investigation
of employment guidance
of college students
PartⅠ The basic information of informants
Number of our research objects: 30
1. The rates of gender
From the graph, we could clearly find that male research objects account for 43%, and the female account for 57%, female are a little more than male.
2. The distribution of grade
The sampling grades include freshman, sophomore and junior. The number of sampling grade is corresponding with objective condition that freshman, sophomore and junior account for 33% respectively. Thus, our results are impartial to any grade; it can delegate the whole college students group.
PartⅡ The analysis of questionnaire main body
A.External factors analysis
1.Monthly cost standard
Related question: 22
Look at the diagram of monthly cost standard, 13% students’ consumption level below 400RMB, seen as impoverished level according to present price index. 400—600RMB (being adequately fed and clad) and 600—800RMB(being fairly well- off) separately account for 43% and 27%, the group that monthly consumption more than 800RMB(plentiful level) only reach 13%.
Thus it can be seen that most college students just stand in maintaining the basic life state. For this group, we should pay more attention to the price we fixed. Most students prefer to the products or services value for money. Hence, we should spend our energy on high rate of capability to price training to broad our target customers.
question 22
2.Channel to receive information
Related question: 19
question 19
From the bar chart, we could clearly see that employment website, recruitment conference in the campus, students’ employment direction center and recruitment conference in the society are the main channels for students to receive recruitment information. Especially employment website and recruitment conference in the campus present an increasing tendency.
In my opinion, we should advertise our employment guidance situation through these channels to attract more customers in the buyer’s market. When students see recruitment information, they also could find our uesful guidance to help them obtain their satisfied job. These channels are useful to our promotion.
B.Internal factors analysis
ⅰThe view of present job- hunting situation
Related question: 1, 2
question 1
question 2
The data of question 1 show that 83% of college students deem the present job- hunting situation is extremely hard while 17% of them think its normal, and none of them believe the present job- hunting situation is easy.
I also think the present job- hunting situation is hard.
The data of question 2 show that be short of professional knowledge and technical ability and lack of job-seeking tactic are the top two effective elements lead to the hard situation. 20 people choose lack of job-seeking tactic while 16 people choose be short of professional knowledge and technical ability; 8 people think excessive graduates also is a main reason; 3 People choose financial crisis and 2 people choose lack of practice experience.
In my opinion, our employment guidance situation can offer job-seeking psychological consultancy to the people who choose be short of professional knowledge and technical ability and lack of practice experience in order to increase their confidence; and can provide them professional training for some occupation. We also could provide job-seeking psychological consultancy to the people who choose financial crisis and excessive graduates. In addition; we can offer job-seeking tactic guidance for the people who choose lack of job-seeking tactic.
ⅱ popular job with college students
Related question: 7, 8, 21
question 7
The data of question 7 show that the 27% of college students want to enter Education vocation, 17% of them want to develop in Finance security and insurance vocation; rate of IT and Telecommunication, Government mechanism and other vocation account for 13% respectively; 10% of college students want to enter the Fast consumer trade while the rest 7% choose Press.
In graph of question 8, 46% of students think good promotion Prospect is the important reason to enter a vocation while 27% select stability of the work. Then 13% choose job fit the major. High income and more opportunity to start a business account for 7% respectively in all the reasons.
question 8
Graph of question 21 like graph 8 also show that good promotion Prospect and stability of the work are main factors to choose a job.
question 21
From graphs of question 8 and question 21, it could clearly see that the top elements to choose a job are good promotion Prospect and stability of the work. The two factors show their absolute advantage.
ⅲ About perplexed elements and challenge
Related question: 9, 10,
In graph of question 9, be short of professional knowledge and skills account for18% is the top bother factor in job-hunting. Then lack of practice experience and lack of job-seeking tactic hold 15% respectively; shortage of business recruitment information and recruitment procedure and requirements occupy 12% and 10% separately; inadequate ability, the reputation of school and Certificates also has influences.
相关热词搜索: 图表 大学生就业 现状分析