雨过天晴 天气方面 一场前所未见的飓风 气象观察 In weather, record-breaking hurricane-force winds 今年将提前袭击 are hitting us early in the season this year. 我们将面临的是一场风速超过每小时 97 英里的持续性强风 We"re looking at sustained gusts of over 97 miles an hour. 因为没有电力 这里的处境十分艰难 特大新闻 It"s a real challenge here, without power. 多个地区的人们在等待撤离 Standby for a list of evacuation zones. 这场风暴来得十分突然 This storm"s coming in fast. 克雷格·摩根 快来小舞 我们走 快 Come on Dancer. Let"s go! Come on! 改编自克里斯汀·艾默尔创作的爱情小说 Marooned With The Maverick 我们应该去佩奇家 We should head over to Paige"s! 她家有地下室 She"s got a basement. 小舞 小舞 Dancer? Dancer! 小舞 Dancer!
Dancer! 小舞 Dancer! 小舞 小舞 Dancer! Dancer! 上帝啊 我现在需要点帮助 Lord, I need a little help right now. 我抓到它了 来吧 I got him! Come on. 你在这干嘛呢 What are you doing here? 那棵老橡树倒在路中间了 The old oak tree fell across the road.
我出不去 I can"t get out. 谢谢你救了我的狗 Thank you for saving my dog. 嘿 你要去哪儿 Hey! Where"re you going? 你出不去的 路都封了 You can"t get out. The roads are all closed. 我的车卡住了 My car got stuck. 我要回我的仓库熬过风暴 I"m going to wait it out in my barn. 好 好 我们走 我也要去 Good. Good. Let"s go. I"m coming too. 看起来你撤离得太晚了 劳伦 It seems you waited a little too long to evacuate, Lauren. 你也没能跑多远 Seeing as you only made it this far, it looks like 看来你也等得有点久 柯林 you waited a little long yourself, Collin. 整个山谷地区的 Power and cell service is out 电力和通讯服务已经中断 all throughout the valley. 这可能是本世纪最强的风暴 This may be the Storm of the Century. 报道指出风暴正在登陆 Reports of tornadoes touching down. 最糟的情况可能还未到来 The worst is still heading our way. 如果你能听到这段消息 立刻进入避难场所 If you can hear this, take shelter immediately. 撤离的时间已经结束了 The time for evacuation is over. 看起来我们整晚都得呆在这里了 Looks like we"ll be here all night. 额 我爸爸有些工作服你可以穿 Um, my dad has some work clothes you can throw on. 那儿有裤子和衬衫 There"s some pants and shirts... 不用了 你都让我待在你的仓库了
No, you let me stay in your barn, 我就别再穿你的干衣服了吧 and I"m not going to take your dry clothes too. 不不不 没关系的 No, no, don"t worry. 这也有我自己的工作服 I have my own work clothes here, actually. 哦 那好 Oh, good. 我相信你穿什么都好看 I"m sure you look good in anything. 我要去 I"m going to... 在这后面吗 Back here? 镇上有那么多人 Of all the guys in town. 偏偏是柯林·特劳布 Collin Traub. 五年前 柯林 劳伦 二队 Collin, Lauren, team two. 好吧 All right. 好了 你用胳膊搂住我 Okay, you put your arm around me. -好的 -我的放这 -Okay. -And I put mine here. 然后我们先向前迈这条腿 Then we put this leg forward, 再迈另一条 然后重复 and then that one, then repeat. 所有人都准备好了吗 Everybody ready? 好了 Ready! 预备 Set! 出发 Go! 内侧腿
Inside! 外侧腿 Outside! 不对不对 外侧腿 No, outside! 内 外 Inside! Outside! 我们要赢了 我们要赢了 We"re gonna win! We"re gonna win! 对不起 Sorry! 我说得太早了 我以为我们要赢了 I spoke too soon! I thought we were going to win. 好吧 我们被反超了 Fine. We were outdone! 没事儿 No problem. 不过 你做我 But, how about you be my partner 推小车比赛的搭档怎么样 for the wheelbarrow race? 可以 Deal. 好 我们先把这玩意解开 Deal. Let"s get this off. 我们走 Let"s go. 谢谢你 Thank you. 西罗 是我的错觉还是他们 Ciro, is it me or are they... 不 他们互有好感 No, there"s a vibe. 没错 Yeah. 就是这样 That"s exactly what it is. 柠檬水 Lemonade. 你肯定喜欢喝柠檬水 I believe you like lemonade.
你怎么知道的 How"d you know that? 额 我们还是小孩的时候那次生日聚会 Ah, birthday parties, when we were kids. 对了 我想起来了 Right, right. I remember. 但当时是柠檬水和巧克力蛋糕 But it was lemonade and chocolate cake. -没错 -记得吗 -Right. -Remember? 它们一起吃就会很奇怪 Because together that would be weird 但分开吃就很完美 but apart it"s perfect. 完美 Perfection. 对我而言 我喜欢牛奶和蛋糕 For me, personally, I like milk and cake. 我知道这挺奇怪的 I know it"s weird. 今天过得很开心 Today"s been really fun. 是啊 Yeah. 我非常享受输掉那场比赛 I really enjoyed losing that race. 好吧 我就在这儿直说了 Okay, I"m just going to go out on a limb here, 但我想如果下个星期还能这样 会很不错 but I think this would be really fun to do again next week. 集♥会♥直到月底 The fair"s not going to be back until 才会再办 the end of the month. 哦 我知道 我不是说集♥会♥ Oh, I know. Not the fair. 我是说喝杯咖啡 或者看场电影之类的 No, I just meant coffee, or a movie, or something. 我买♥♥票 你负责买♥♥爆米花 I"ll get the tickets, you get the popcorn. 呃 还是算了吧
Ah, I don"t think so. 劳伦 对不起 劳伦 Lauren, I"m sorry. Lauren. 没事 我明白 No, I get it. -我是为了你好 -我明白 -I"m doing you a favor. -I get it. 说真的 劳伦 Honestly, Lauren. 我觉得我们该睡觉了 I think it"s about time for you and me to hit the hay. 真的吗 Seriously? 是 Yeah. 你睡这边 This is for you. 我去睡那边 And I"ll be over here. 不 不 你是客人 你睡床吧 No, no. You"re the guest. You can sleep in the bed. 不 不 那可不行 No, no, that"s not going to happen. 这是你的仓库 This is your barn. 你能让我在这躲过风暴已经够好了 You were kind enough to take me in out of the storm, 你也知道我刚才并不是跟你商量 so you know I didn"t give you much of a choice. 而且我觉得很明显 And apparently you don"t like me very much, 你并不太喜欢我 I don"t think. 柯林 你知道吗 是你搭了那张床 Well you know what Collin? You made that bed. 你在说什么 What are you talking about? 柯林 你记得很清楚我在说什么 Collin, you remember exactly what I"m talking about. 我记得 我记得有一次来这里 What I remember, I remember being here
参加你的生日聚会 to one of your birthday parties. 玩捉迷藏的时候 I remember hiding right here, 我就藏在这里 during a game of hide-and-seek. 过了好几个小时我才意识到 It took me a couple of hours to realize 没人会来找我了 no one was going to find me. 这我倒是忘了 I forgot about that. 所有的家长都很担心你 All the parents were pretty worried about you. 家长们担心 Parents were worried. 我也很担心 And I was worried. 我担心我会吃不到 I was worried I was going to miss out 蛋糕和冰淇淋 on all that cake and ice cream. 所以我就自己出来继续参加派对了 So I got myself back down to the party. 蛋糕真的很好吃 It was a great cake. 派对也很有趣 Fun party too. 你知道吗 You know what? 我还记得差不多五年之前 I also remember running into you at the picnic, 在野餐会的时候遇到你 about five years ago now. 劳伦 听着 我当时是为了你好 相信我 Lauren, look, I did you a favor, believe me. 你是个老师 人们会议论的 You were a school teacher, and people would of talked. 我保证 I promise. 他们总会议论的
They talked anyway. 没错 但是议论的内容就会很不一样 No. But the stories would of been much different. 是啊 但是我不会在意的 Yeah, but I would not of cared. 抱歉 Sorry. 希望我也能睡得那么好 Wish I could sleep that well. 随着 2000 多个家庭失去电力 主要道路被封 With 2,000 homes without power and the main roads closed, 气象观察 我们要求那些没有避难所的人们 we"re asking those without shelter 拨♥打♥紧急热♥线♥ to call the emergency hotline. 全州的社区中心都已经 Shelters have been set up at community centers 建立了避难所 across the state. 劳伦 Lauren.
我很遗憾 I"m so sorry. 这是我的家 This is my house. 是我长大的地方 我所有的回忆都在这里 This is where I grew up. All of my memories are here. 劳伦 很多东西都没有被毁 Lauren, a lot of this stuff isn"t ruined. 你只需要把它晾干 You know, you just dry it out, 在它发霉之前晾干就行了 get the water out of it before the mould sets in. 我想 I guess. 你想什么 You guess? 东西就是东西而已 劳伦 Things are just things, Lauren. 是 但它们都曾是我的东西
No, but they were my things though. 可它们并不是你 Right. But they weren"t you. 也不是小舞 不是你的父母 They weren"t Dancer. They weren"t your parents. 我明白 你说得对 I know. You"re right. 我会自己重建这个房♥子的 I"m going to rebuild this house myself. -是吗 -是的 -Yeah? -Yes. 我知道我做得到 I know I can do it. 我还是个小女孩的时候 我会坐在那里 When I was a little girl, I would sit there 看着我的父母修理各种东西 and I"d watch my parents fix everything, 家里的所有东西 everything in our house. 长大之后 我也学会了 Then I grew up and I learned how to do the same. 我爸爸和我一起建好了那个 My dad and I built that barn 让我们安全度过昨晚的仓库 that kept us safe last night. 我还看过无数小时的家庭装♥修♥节目 And, I"ve watched hours and hours of home reno shows. 嗯 有一件事是确定的 Well, one thing"s for sure. 肯定会有很多活要干 It"s going to be a lot of work. 但是 你知道 如果你需要的话 我可以帮你 But, you know, I can help, if you want. 不 但是 这些活很有意义 No, but, it"s rewarding work. 而且现在是暑假所以我有时间 And it"s the summer so I have time 在开学之前完成它 to do it before school starts. 我可以完完全全地按照我一直想要的样子 I could build this house exactly
来建造这栋房♥子 how I"ve always wanted it to be. 我觉得这可能是一件好事 一个预兆 I think this might be a good thing, a sign. -预兆吗 -是的 -A sign? -Yes. 怎么说 How"s that? 你知道 我最近感觉有点不好 You know, I"ve been feeling a little stuck lately. 就是有点抑郁 Just a little down. 我想这也许是个好机会来重塑我自己 And I think this might be a good chance to rebuild myself. 那么 劳伦 So, Lauren. 接下来你想做什么 What do you want to do next? 首先 我要停止自怜自艾 First I"m going to stop feeling sorry for myself. 我认识附近的很多人 I know there are plenty of folks out there 他们过得都不如我 who are way worse off than I am. 困难 病痛 谁知道还有什么呢 Stranded, hurt, who knows what. 没错 Yup. 其实今天早晨我就在想 I was actually thinking about that earlier this morning. 想着或许可以去镇上看看 Thought about maybe going into town, 看看大家都怎么样 看看损失情况 checking everybody, check the damage. 那我们去吧 Well, let"s go do that. 好啊 可以 Yeah. All right. 柯林 昨晚的事我很抱歉 Collin, I"m sorry about last night. 什么事
What about? 提起过去的事情 Bringing up the past. 我不应该那么做的 I shouldn"t have done that. 不 我对于那次集♥会♥的事也很抱歉 No, I"m sorry about that day at the fair. 谢谢你 但和谁约会是你自己的事 Thank you, but you are allowed to date whoever you want. 相信我 Believe me. 你真的算是躲过一劫 You did dodge a bullet with me, okay. 我想 单身可能就是我的宿命 Being single is kind of my lot in life, I guess. 你呢 What about you? 在和谁约会吗 Anyone you"re seeing? 呃 是的 我男朋友戴恩 Ah, yeah, my boyfriend Dane. 其实他是我未婚夫 Well he"s my fiance actually. 大概是吧 Well, kind of. 大概 Kind of? 什么叫大概是未婚夫 What"s a kind of fiance? 这是什么 What"s this? -弗丽达 -柯林 劳伦 -Frida. -Collin. Lauren. 嘿 弗丽达 你和赫克托怎么样了 Hey Frida. How are you and Hector doing? 我们挺好的 华♥莱♥士♥市长就不行了 We"re good, can"t say as much for Mayor Wallace. 你们听说了吗 Did you hear? 没有 发生什么了 No, what happened?
心脏病 Heart attack. 他正要去看看大家的情况 路上有棵树倒了 He was checking on some people and a tree fell, 砸到了他车的发动机盖上 landed on the hood of his car. 就是那样 他没能挺过来 Just like that. He didn"t make it. 有史以来从没有过 There"s never been a storm like this 这样的风暴 recorded in the county"s history. 我们都在祈祷没有更多的人员伤亡了 We"re all praying that they"re aren"t any more casualties. 我真是不敢相信 I can"t believe this. 多谢你 弗丽达 Thank you so much, Frida. 小心开车 Drive safe. 你也是 柯林 道路损毁得很严重 You too, Collin. The roads are in bad shape. 萨特你好 我是柯林 Hey Sutter, it"s Collin. 是 我知道 你怎么样 Yeah, I know. How are you? 你没进医院什么的吧 You"re not in the hospital or anything, are you? 昨晚的情况很糟糕 It looked bad pretty bad up there last night. 没错 我没事 一点皮都没破 Yeah. No, not a scratch. 那我就放心了 I"m relieved. 柯林怎么样 How"s Colin? 妈妈 一点皮都没破 他自己说的 他没事 Mom. Not a scratch. His words. He"s fine. 房♥子怎么样了 How"s the house? 应该不会有什么问题
It should be fine up there. 其实我还没去看 I actually haven"t checked in on it yet. 我昨晚在劳伦·克莉丝汀森家的仓库过的 I spent the night at Lauren Christiansen"s barn. 你说什么 Excuse me? 柯林说什么了 What did Collin say? 没事 妈妈 他什么也没说 Nothing, Mom. He didn"t say anything. 告诉他我爱他 Send him my love. 好的 他也爱你 Yeah, he sends his love to you too. 你想解释一下吗 You want to explain? 我很好 I"m fine. 但她的房♥子被风暴摧毁了 But her house was destroyed in the storm. 那太糟糕了 That"s awful. 哦 你能照顾她还挺不错的 Oh, and good of you to take care of her. 不 其实是她照顾我 Oh no. She is actually the one who took care of me. 是她让我躲过风暴 没弄湿自己 She actually got me in out of the storm, kept me dry. 你怎么去她那了 How did you end up at her place? 我知道你在她家附近有项工程 I mean I know you"ve got that property up there 但你说你现在没有在做 next to hers, but you said you don"t work it. 是 说来话长 Yeah, it"s a long story. 就是她的狗 风暴 有棵橡树倒了 It"s just, her dog, the storm, a fallen oak tree... 嘿 额 萨特 听着 我得挂了 Hey, ah, Sutter, listen. I got to go.
这是我们这儿唯一的电♥话♥线 This is the only line that we have. 好的 就再告诉我一件事 Okay. Just tell me one thing. 她还是像我记忆中那么好看吗 Is she still as good looking as I remember? 更好看了 Better. 好好对她 柯林 You be good to her, Collin. 好 告诉妈妈我爱她 Yeah, tell Mom I love her. 我已经告诉过了 回来再聊 I already did. Later. 拜拜 See you. 好了 莎拉 很高兴大家都没事 Okay Sarah, glad everyone"s well. 丘马克一家怎么样 So how"d the Chumaks make out? 通向他们谷仓的道路被完全毁掉了 The road to their barn washed out completely. 不过他们提前把牲畜转移出来了 But they got their animals out early. 是吗 They did? 我想这应该是好消息 That"s some good news, I guess. 之前我说过 Going back to what I said earlier, 帮你重建你的房♥子 about helping you rebuild your house. 不是什么麻烦事 It"ll be no trouble. 没事 我能搞定 谢谢你 It"s okay. I can figure it out. Thank you. 并不是我认为你需要一个男人的帮助 It"s not that I think you need a man"s help, 或者什么其他的 or anything like that. 只是 你知道我是靠什么吃饭的吧
It"s just, you know what I do for a living, right? 我知道 你是做家具的 Yes you make furniture. 我是个木匠 I"m a carpenter. 说实话还是个很好的木匠 A pretty good carpenter, actually. 所以帮你重建你的房♥子完全不是什么麻烦事 So helping you with your house would be no problem. 你的提议真的很好 不过还是算了吧 谢谢你 It"s a really nice offer, but no thank you. 没人在用电♥话♥ 所以我要去给我未婚夫打个电♥话♥ The phone"s free, so I"m going to call my fiance. 这里是戴恩 You have Dane. 嘿 是我 Hey, it"s me. 劳伦 我秘书已经尝试给你打了好几个小时的电♥话♥了 Lauren! My assistant has been trying you for hours. 你还好吗 Are you okay? 我还好 Yes, I"m fine. 但是我的整栋房♥子都被毁了 Um, but my entire house was destroyed. 还有对不起 我应该早点给你打过去的 And sorry, I would have called earlier 但是哪儿都没有电 所有的电♥话♥线也断了 but all the power is out, all the phone lines are down. 你的房♥子被毁了 但我的劳伦没有事吧 Your house was destroyed, but my Lauren"s okay? 我很好 真的 I"m fine, I promise. 我还在谈这件生意 You should move into my Manhattan condo 你现在应该搬到我在曼哈顿的公♥寓♥住 while I"m still closing this deal. 等我谈完了 我就去那见你 And then when I"m done, I"ll meet you there. 你想让我现在 在这种情况下离开吗 You want me to leave at a time like this?
戴恩 我做不到 Dane, I can"t do that. 社区现在需要我们每一个人在这里 The community needs every single one of us here right now. 听着 我只是想让你安安全全的 Look, I just want you to be safe. 谢谢你 真的 你太贴心了 但我还是要待在这里 Thank you. That, that"s sweet, but I"m going to stay here 而且我还想自己重建我的房♥子 and I also want to rebuild my family home myself. 听着 给我几个小时 Listen, give me a couple hours, 我和我的秘书谈一下 I"m going to talk to my assistant. 他会帮你找三州地区最好的建筑队 He"s going to find you the best crew in the tri-state area. 他们今天下午就会到那里开始施工 They"ll be there this afternoon to start construction. 建筑队 不不 不用 A crew? No. No no no no. 现在还太早了 It"s way too early for any of that. 当然你会负责监工 You"re going to supervise, of course. 戴恩·理查兹 你根本没有听 Dane Richards - you have zero listening skills. 我的祖父母建造了那所祖宅 My grandparents built that family home 我也要做同样的事情 and I"m going to do the same. 劳伦 劳伦 我只是想帮忙 Lauren, Lauren, I"m just trying to help. 你是个学校的老师 你没办法自己建一座房♥子 You"re a school teacher, you can"t build a house by yourself. 我知道重建房♥子需要团队 I know it takes a team to rebuild a home. 但是那支团队的第一个人必须是我 But that team starts with me. 嘿 你给我进来 Hey, I need you in here. 你说什么
Excuse me? 对不起 那太失礼了 Sorry, that was rude. 那就是为什么我们需要立刻让人们 And that is why we need to get people 出来开始清理工作 out there now starting the clean up efforts. 简直是疯了 This is crazy. 市议会已经列出了从哪些地方开始 The council has made a list of places to start. 乔治 你来看护公园的食物和饮料 George, you can look after food and beverage at the park. 内森
我知道面对市长华♥莱♥士♥的去世和其他种种你已经尽力了 I know you"re doing your best with Mayor Wallace 但是我们需要组织搜救队 gone and all, but we need to organize search parties 出去寻找那些需要帮助的人们 to go out there to find the people who need help. 我在不到一个小时前刚和联邦应急管理局的人沟通过 I just spoke with the people from FEMA less than an hour ago. 他们需要道路通畅来保证他们可以运送 They need the roads clear so they can deliver 食物 水 药品 这些救济物资 the relief supplies - food, water, medicine. 没错 搜索和救援是现在的主要工作 Right. Search and rescue is the main priority right now. 你自己也说了联邦应急管理局的人 You said yourself that FEMA was not going to be 几天之内都到不了 here for several days. 这不是你的事 柯林 请坐下 This is not about you, Collin. Please sit down. 内森 鉴于现在的情况 我觉得我们应该 Nathan, given the circumstances, I feel we should 撇开我们的不和 set aside our differences. 现在在这里 我们互相照顾 Now here, we look out for each other.
我们就这样 That"s what we do. 就会有人在外面 喝不到干净的水 So there are going to be people out there without 用不上电 可能还会受伤 clean water, without power, they could be injured, 可能会生病 they could be sick. 我们必须组织搜救队到外面 We"ve got to have search parties to get out there 找到那些人 and find those people. 没错 他说得没错 柯林说得没错 Yeah. He"s right. Collin"s right. 各位 各位 People, people. 我们的消防人员就在外面 Our fire department is out there right now 做着这件事 doing exactly just that. 哦 那太好了 我们可以帮他们 Well, great. We can help them. 外面多少名消防员 How many firefighters are there? 我们有五名训练良好的专业消防员 We have five, well-trained professionals. 才五名 内森 有很多地方需要搜索 Five? Nathan, that"s a lot of ground to cover. 而且我们应该将这五名消防员分开 And we should split those five up. 那样的话每一名消防员就可以 And each one of those firefighters can be 带领一支志愿者组成的搜救小队 in charge of a small search party of volunteers. 我们可以在一天以内搜遍整个城镇 We can search the entire town in a day, 最多一天半 a day and a half at max. 所以我们要组建五支救援队吗 So we"d have five search parties? 是的
Five. 好吧 Fine. 市议会会通过无线电告知消防员们 Council will radio out to the professionals 如果消防员同意 市议会将会允许 and if the firefighters agree, council will allow it. 内森 我想提议先停一会 Nathan, I"d like to suggest that we pause 来缅怀一下我们的市长米切尔·华♥莱♥士♥ for a moment in remembrance of our mayor Mitchell Wallace. 我刚要提这件事 I was just about to suggest that. 我们会衷心铭记我们的市长华♥莱♥士♥ We remember our Mayor Wallace fondly. 同时对他的妻子宝拉表示发自内心的慰问 As we offer our heartfelt condolences to his wife Paula. 上帝 感谢你将我们挚爱的米切尔置于您的 Lord we thank you for keeping our beloved Mitchell 保护之中 in your care. 我们替那些幸免遇难的人向您道谢 同时我们祈求您的 We give thanks for those who are safe and we ask for 帮助和鼓励 来让我们坚持走完前面的漫漫长路 your help and encouragement for the long road that lies ahead. 阿门 Amen. 阿门 Amen. 好了 All right.
这件事并不简单 It won"t be easy. 但是我们团结一致 就可以做到 But together we can do it. 佩奇 Paige! 哦 看到你我太高兴了 Oh, I"m so happy to see you. 我在到处找你 I"ve been looking everywhere for you.
我们试过去你那儿 We tried to get to you. 真高兴你们两个顺利地挺过了风暴 I"m so glad you two made it through the storm okay. 是的 我们没事 我们没事 Oh yeah, we"re fine, we"re fine. 嘿 你和马克怎么样 Hey, how are you and Mark? 哦 我们只是没了门厅和小房♥ Oh we just lost the porch and the shed. 你家怎么样了 How about your place? 比一些人家好点 Not as bad as some. 我真的很同情卡洛琳娜·桑托斯 My heart goes out to Carolina Santos. 我也是 Mine too. 你知道吗 或许我们可以在教室举办一些活动之类的 You know, maybe we should get a few activities or something, 给那些孩子们一点事做 from the classroom just to give those kids something to do. 是啊 五个孩子很快就能把你逼疯 Yeah, five kids can drive you crazy fast. 她丈夫打算周五回家 Her husband"s trying to get home on Friday 那样他们就会在一起了 so they can both be together. 如果道路开通的话 If the roads are open. 哦 对 Oh, true. 嘿
Hey! 你刚才是跟柯林挥手告别吗
Was that Collin I saw you waving at just now? 哦 是 是的 Oh, yeah, yeah. 他去一支搜救队帮忙了 He"s helping out with one of the search and rescue teams. 是啊 我听说了
Yeah, I heard he was helping, 但是为什么你们要互相挥手告别 but why are you waving at each other? 你不是讨厌他吗 You hate him. 不 我不讨厌他 No, I don"t hate him. 哦 真的吗 Oh really. 我可是真真切切地听你说过 I have heard you say the actual words: 我讨厌柯林·特劳布 "I hate Collin Traub." 我只是担心他 I"m just worried about him. 佩奇 我担心每个人 Paige, I"m worried about everybody. 外面很危险 有倒下的带电电线 It"s dangerous out there. There are live power lines down, 还有完全封堵的道路 there are complete road closures. 所以到底从何时开始你不讨厌他了 So when exactly did the hate stop? 嗯 昨晚我们一起在仓库过了一晚 Well last night we spent the night together in the barn... 劳伦 把所有事都告诉我 Lauren! Tell. Me. Everything! 不 什么事也没有发生 没有 No, nothing happened. No. 我们只是互相认识得更全面了一点 仅此而已 We just got to know each other a little better, that"s all. 好吧 我们去聚餐那儿帮忙吧 Okay, let"s help with the potluck, 同时你要告诉我所有细节 来吧 and you are telling me every detail. Come on! 完了 Nothing! 没用的玩意儿 Useless technology. 救命啊 Help!
救救我 Help me! 有人吗 救救我 Anybody. Help me! 罗德里格斯先生 你在里面吗 Mr. Rodriguez! Are you in there? 在 我在这 Yes! I"m here! 我从轮椅上摔下来了 I got knocked off my wheelchair. 我的腿卡住了 My leg is stuck. 冷静 我们有救援队 Stay calm. We have the rescue team here. 我们会清理开废墟然后把你救出来 We"ll clear this debris and we"ll get you out. 保佑你 Bless you! 我已经被困在这里好几个小时了 I"ve been stuck here for hours. 我们来了 We"re here now. 很快就会把你救出来 We"ll have you out shortly. 你听说了吗 So, did you hear? 什么 What? 鸡肉有点干 但是奶酪通心粉非常好吃 The chicken"s a little dry, but the mac-n-cheese is to die for? 不是 你的男朋友是个英雄 Nope. Your boyfriend is a hero. 哦 是吗 戴恩在澳大利亚 Oh yeah? Dane"s in Australia. 他能做什么 What could he have done? 不是他 你的新男友 No! Your "new" boyfriend. 我是个订了婚的女人 I am an engaged woman. 这么说你已经正式接受戴恩的求婚了
So you officially accepted Dane"s proposal then? 还没 Not exactly. 看吧 See? 我爱戴恩 I love Dane. 除了做朋友之外 我对柯林没有任何兴趣 I have no interest in Collin except as friends. 另外 他之前也说的很清楚了 And besides, he made it very clear in the past 他也没兴趣 that he was never interested either. 等一下 英雄 Wait. Hero? 他救了罗德里格斯先生 He saved Mr. Rodriguez. 发生了什么 What happened? 雨果从他的轮椅上摔下来了 Hugo fell out of his wheelchair and spent 在他的卧室地板上捱过了整场风暴 the entire storm on the floor of his bedroom. 万幸的是 柯林找到他了 He was lucky that Collin found him. 他会没事吧 Is he going to be okay? 会没事的 多谢老天 Yeah, thank heavens. 乔尔 一个消防员 说柯林清理了废墟 Joel, he"s a firefighter, said Collin cleared the debris 还把雨果救了出来 and carried Hugo out to the team. 真的吗 Really? 乔尔说如果他们没有按柯林说的 Joel said if they hadn"t split up 分开搜索 他们说不定要过好几天 like Collin suggested, they wouldn"t have gotten 才能找到雨果 to Hugo for a few more days.
如果那样的话 谁会知道发生什么 And who knows what would have happened by then? 我们有了一个十分真实的英雄 We have got ourselves a real-life hero. 嗯 如果你没有兴趣的话 Well if you"re not interested, 没准我会约他出去 maybe I should ask him out. 我想你应该少说点话 多吃点鸡肉吧 I think you should stop talking and eat some chicken. 我听说鸡肉有点干 I hear it"s dry. 待在这 Stay here. 外面的情况有多糟 How bad was it out there? 比糟糕更糟一点 Ah, more tough than bad. 为什么我总觉得你都是选 Why do I feel like you chose the areas 最困难的地区搜索呢 that were hardest hit to search? 我想我应该多考虑一下这些事 I guess I should"ve thought that one through a little bit more. 你一定累坏了吧 You must be exhausted. 比起我们做的那些小事 Compared to what we did. 接接电♥话♥ 寻求一点物资援助 Answering phones, ordering a few supplies. 哦 得了吧 Oh come on. 我看到那些孩子都能吃饱穿暖 I saw well-fed children in clean clothes 还那么开心 who looked very happy. 我知道这都是你们的功劳 I know that was all your doing. 宝拉也帮了很多忙 Paula helped too. 跟我说说你的未婚夫吧
So tell me about this fiance. 戴恩 呃 戴恩是个建筑师 Dane. Um, Dane is an architect. 他现在正在澳大利亚 He"s actually in Australia right now. 在忙一个大项目 He"s working on a big project, 忙完之后就会回来 and then he"ll be back here. 他是个好男人吗 Is he a good man? 是的 是的 他对我算是非常好 Yes. Yes, he"s very good to me. 但是 But? 但是 当你和你注定的另一半在一起时 But, when you"re with the person you"re supposed to marry, 你内心应该会有种感觉 对吧 you have this gut feeling. Right? 没错 除非他不是 Right. Unless he isn"t. 哦 不用 不用 我没事 Oh, no no no no. That"s okay. 别说傻话了 你都冻得发抖了 穿上吧 Don"t be silly, you"re freezing. Just take it. -谢谢你 -不客气 -Thank you. -You"re welcome. 你应该竞选市长 You should run for mayor. 就因为我给你披了外套 Because I gave you my jacket? 不是 虽然我确实会投票给这种人 No. Although I would vote for that guy. 我很确定内森不会给我披衣服 I"m pretty sure Nathan wouldn"t offer me his jacket. 嗯 他的心眼还是好的 Well, his heart is in the right place. 是啊 或许吧 Yeah, maybe. 你促成了搜救队 还救出了 The way you corralled the search and rescue team,
罗德格里斯先生 这真的 and how you helped Mr. Rodriguez, it"s... 听我说 是乔尔救了罗德格里斯先生 Listen, Joel saved Mr. Rodriguez. 我只是把路上的东西清理了一下而已 Okay, I just moved some things out of the way. 仅此而已 That"s all. 我们镇上需要一个好的领导人 We need a good leader in this town. 我不太确定内森会是合适的人选 And I"m not so sure that Nathan is the person for that. 你应该考虑一下 You should think about it. 不了 我想我还是让更合适的人来管理这座城镇吧 Nah, I think I"ll leave running this town to better men. 谁说的 Who said that? 你让他们来见我 You send whoever said that my way 我会好好和他们谈谈 and I"ll give them a good talking to. 哦 是吗 你要和他们说什么 Oh really? What would you say? 在不到 72 小时里 一个自认为我讨厌他的男人 In under 72 hours, a man who thought I hated him. 嘿 你就是讨厌我 Hey! You did hate me. -嘘 我在讲话 -好吧 -Shhh, I"m talking. -Okay. 虽然确实如此 Although that"s fair. 这个男人救了我的狗 帮了很多人 This man saved my dog. Helped scores of people. 还提议要帮我重建我家的房♥子 And offered to rebuild my family house. 虽然你拒绝了 Which you refused. 但我很感激 心意才是重要的 Which I appreciated. It"s the intent that matters. 而且他觉得我冷 还给我披上了
And he offered me this lovely jacket 这件可爱的夹克 because he thought I was cold. 你知道吗 如果你真不冷 You know what, if you"re not cold, 我十分乐意把我的夹克要回来 I"d be more than happy to take the jacket back. 好了 我只是在开玩笑 Okay, I was just joking! 戴恩 他 他可真走运 Dane, he"s a, he"s a lucky guy. 我想今晚就先到这吧 We should call it a night, I think. 是 我也这么想 Yeah, I think so. 哦 内森 你看到柯林了吗 Oh, Nathan. Hey, have you seen Collin anywhere? 看到了 他和消防员们一起 Yeah, he went with the firefighters 去检查剩下几家的房♥子 to check on the last few homes. 然后他会带领一个清理小队 Then he"s heading up one of the clean up crews. 哦 电♥话♥信♥号♥♥恢复了 Oh, cell service is back. 如果你想的话可以给他打电♥话♥ You can call him if you like. 啊 真是个好消息 Aw, that"s great news. 内森 Nathan? 你觉得举♥行♥一个众筹活动怎么样 How do you feel about starting a crowd funding campaign? 很好啊 It"s perfect. 社区的确需要帮助来重新步入正轨 I mean the community needs help getting back on its feet. 我不确定保险费是否足够支付那些费用 I"m not sure insurance is going to pay that much. 我也是这么想的 That"s exactly how I feel.
我知道城镇西边的房♥子是受灾最严重的 I know the homes to the west of the city were the hardest hit. 我统计过 共有 22 家 包括你的房♥子在内 I counted 22 exactly, including yours. 还是算 21 家吧 我觉得我家没事的 Let"s say 21. I think I"ll be okay. 不如我来照一些社区的照片 Why don"t I get some photos of the community just to 来让整个国家看看我们在经历什么 kind of show the country what were going through here. 太棒了 要不要明天见面谈 Perfect. Want to meet up tomorrow? 我会发信息给你 I"ll text you. 嘿 戴恩 Hey Dane. 我美丽的劳伦 My beautiful Lauren. 今天早晨怎么样 How"s everything flood-wise this morning? 南半球这儿天气很好 It was a beautiful day, down under. 嗯 我们还不错 Yeah, we"re doing okay. 事情还是有点糟糕 Things are still a little bit of a disaster, 但是我们还撑得下去 but we"re all pulling through. 这才是我的好姑娘 That"s my girl. 是啊 那你什么时候能来这儿 Yeah. So, when are you getting here? 不好意思 你说什么 Come again? Sorry. 嗯 Yeah, yeah. 你什么时候才能做完你的项目 过来帮忙 When is your project wrapping up so you can come help. 呃 帮忙 我很乐意帮忙 Uh, help. I"m happy to help. 给我卡♥号♥♥ 我把钱打过去
Just give me the number. I"ll wire the cash. 钱 不 不 不 不 Cash? No. No no no no. 戴恩 这不是钱的问题 好吗 我不需要钱 Dane this is not about cash. Okay? I don"t need money. 戴恩 我想要你来这里 Dane, I need you here. 小舞 快来 Dancer, come on. 你能帮托尼搞定废弃的大件家具吗 You want to help Tony with the lumber? 没问题 All right. 不好意思 Excuse me! 你好 嘿 这是在干什么 Hello, hi. What"s going on here? 很明显 我们在重建某个人的家 Looks like we"re rebuilding somebody"s home. 对 这是我家 Yes, this is my house. 呃 你一定就是 劳伦·理查兹 Ah, you must be... Lauren Richards. 是劳伦·克莉丝汀森 It"s Lauren Christensen. 是一个叫戴恩的男人让你们来的吗 Did a man named Dane put you up to this? 没错 理查兹先生雇了我们 Mr. Richards hired us, yes. 我要你们所有人立刻离开我的房♥子 I need everybody off my property right now! 小姐 你说什么 Excuse me, Miss? 没错 我要所有人离开我的房♥子 Yes! I need everybody to get off of my property. 立刻 多谢 Right now! Thank you. 我不需要一堆陌生人来重建我家的房♥子 I don"t need strangers rebuilding my family house. 但是我们已经收了报酬了 But we"ve already been paid to do the work.
好吧 你们可以带上你们所有的工具 Okay, you can actually take all of your work 然后去修理桑托家的谷仓 就在那边 and go work on the Santos" family barn, down the road. 呃 女士 我需要和公♥司♥确认一下 Ah, Miss, I"m going to have to check with the office. 不 没关系的 No, no problem. 你想怎么样都可以 只要带着你所有的人 Do whatever you need to do but then you can remove 去那边就好 好吗 all the crew and go over there. Okay? 那里有一堆废墟 你会看到的 There will be a ton of debris. You"ll see it. 而且还会有五个急需你帮助的小孩子 And there are five young children who desperately 谢谢你 need your help. Thank you. 伙计们 先休息五分钟 Guys! Take five! 这里是戴恩 You have Dane. 戴恩 我家这是怎么了 Dane! What is going on at my property right now? 劳伦 你猜怎么着 Lauren, guess what? 我让我的秘书找了一支很棒的队伍 I got my assistant to get a great crew. 他们随时会到那里 They"re going to be there any minute now. 哦 没错 他们已经开始在这干活了 Oh, yeah. They"re all working here right now. 太棒了 他们说了他们会很快到的 Great, they said they"d be fast. 不 戴恩 No Dane! 我告诉过你我想自己重建我的房♥子 I told you I wanted to rebuild my family home myself. 我只是想帮忙 But, I just wanted to support. 戴恩 你人很好 真的
Dane, you are a great guy, you really a...
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