1♥8♥9♥6 图桑 "旧西部" 他就在前面 I can see him up ahead! 我们正在接近他 We"re gainin" on him. 继续冲啊 伙计们 Keep strong, boys! 这男人是一个杀手 This man"s a killer. 驾 ya! 他死了吗 is he dead? 勉强还有点呼吸 He"s alive, just barely. 5 英尺洞穴传奇 我十岁的时候 first time I met sam barns 第一次见到了山姆 I was 10 years old. 继续 男孩们 走 come on, boy, come on. 发现了什么 Whatcha got, boy? 那时我并没有意识到 it was the summer of 1929. 1929 年的这个夏天 And while I didn"t realize it then... 小家伙好样的 Atta boy, atta boy. 成就了我这冒险的一生 It would lead to the adventure of a lifetime. 走啊 伙计们 Come on, boys! 他肯定会走路下去 He"s gonna go down on foot. 大家都时刻警惕着 everybody keep their eyes peeled. 嘿 小溪这儿有东西 hey, we got something downstream here. 小家伙 这有什么东西
whatcha got, boy? 走 继续 come on, boy, come on. 嘿 在这儿 Hey, over here! 我感觉这有东西 I think we got something! 1929 肯塔基州 朽木公爵 好了 帕特 我起来了 okay pat, I"m up. 一年多前 我的父亲去世了 It"d been over a year since my father had died. 从那以后 I don"t think my mother had spent a night 母亲就没睡过一个好觉 in their bed since. 妈妈是个女强人 mama was a strong woman. 但 丧亲之痛纠缠我们到无处可逃 But, pain and loss have a way of catching up to all of us. 人生总是千奇百怪 it"s strange how life works. 我的父亲在一场又一场的战争中活到了最后 My father had survived the war to end all wars, only to meet 却在农场事故般的意外中走向了死亡 his end from something as random as a farming accident. 这似乎不公平 It didn"t seem fair. 语言已经无法测量父亲离去所造成的 生命中的空虚 The void it caused in our life couldn"t be measured in words. 爸爸一直是我的英雄 dad had always been my hero. 当这个英雄消失的时候 嗯 And when that hero was lost, well... 我和妈妈身上的某个部分 it seemed as though a part of my mama and me 似乎也随之消逝了 were lost with him. 没有父亲的生活截然不同 life without dad just wasn"t the same.
他的离开让我失去了父亲 让母亲失去了丈夫 Aside from me not having a pa and ma, a husband, 第一国民银行 蒂维基夫人 您的贷款逾期未还 这是第三次也是最后一次提醒 逾期未付-第三次通知 除此之外 我们在当地银行的 his passing had left us at a considerable disadvantage 请于 1929 年 6 月 1 日前还清 状况也变得十分的被动 with the local bank. 汤米 我需要你进城一趟 Tommy, I need you to walk into town for me. 把这个信封交给银行的戴维斯先生 Give this envelope to mr. Davis at the bank. 告诉他这是现在我能凑到的全部 You tell him it"s all I can come up with at the moment, 但是 我会尽快把马牵到市场去 but... I"ll get him the rest as soon as we get those 然后再把剩下的一并还给他 horses broke and off to market. 好的 妈妈 Okay, mama. 然后 我希望你能在镇上找找看哪有布告栏 And then, I want you to make your way through town, 再把这些传♥单♥贴上去 put one of these fliers up on any posting board you can find. 欢迎寄宿 我们现在要找别人来和我们合住吗 We"re gonna let people live with us now? 嗯 除非你有更好的主意 Well, unless you got a better idea of how to pay 来解决农场的贷款 the bank note on the farm. 没有 Guess not. 所以我需要和其他人一起住我的房♥间了吗 That mean I"m gonna have to share my room now? 不 亲爱的 no, honey... 没有人会去住你的房♥间
you ain"t gonna have to share your room. 我说的是那两个空房♥间 All right, this is only for the two spares. 而且在我们能站稳脚跟之前 And this is only temporary. 这只是暂时的 Just until we can get back on our feet. 快去吧 Run along. 午饭前回来帮我牵马 I need you back by lunch. 它们自己是不会回来的 Those horses ain"t gonna break themselves. 知道了 all right. 妈妈深爱着这个农场和它所代表的一切 mama sure loved that farm and everything it represented. 这是她唯一能紧紧抓住的 属于爸爸的东西 It was the only thing of dad she had left to hold onto. 这个镇很小 我很熟悉 our town was small, familiar, and the only thing I knew 也是我唯一知道的除了农场以外的世界 of the world outside of our little farm. 我很珍惜我能来这里的每一次机会 I loved every chance I had to visit. 什么事 小男孩 yes, young man? 我能帮你做什么? What can I do for ya? 我妈妈让我把这个给您 My ma said I was to give this to you. 你是蒂维基家的孩子是吗 You"re the tilwicky boy, right? 是的 先生 Yes, sir. 戴维斯先生 我妈妈让我告诉您 I was told to tell you Mr. Davis, um... 目前这里的这些钱 that that money there is all mama and me could get 已经是我们尽力能凑到的了 together for the time being.
但是我们会尽快把马牵去市场卖♥♥掉 But that, we"d get you more just as soon as she gets 然后再马上给您剩下的钱 our horses broke and off to market. 你就回去告诉你妈妈 Just tell your mama come on by here and see me 这几天来这见我 知道了吗 in the next few days, all right? 好的 知道了 Yeah, all right. 欢迎寄宿 金斯利的丹药百货店 早上好 金斯利先生 Morning, Mr. Kinsley! 早上好 汤米 Good morning to you, tommy! 你有什么好的新书能借我看看吗 I was wondering if you had any new books for me to look at. 马上 Hold on. 这个 now this... 是本好书 is a good one. "5 英尺洞穴传奇" the legend of five mile cave." 我无法将我的目光从这本书上移开 I couldn"t take my eyes off it. 这个亡命之徒 苏特 格林的故事 The story of the outlaw, shooter green. 谢谢 金斯利先生 Thanks, Mr. Kinsley. 回家的路上我一直盯着它看 I just stared at it the whole way back. 神枪手 马群追逐赛 还有那胆战心惊的西大荒冒险 I couldn"t wait to get home and read stories of 这些都让我迫不及待的飞奔回家 gunslingers, daring horse chases and the amazing 再坐下来仔细品读 adventures of the wild west. 它开启了一扇我从未听闻的新世界的大门
It opened up a whole new world I didn"t even know existed. 我也从未料想到 这本书 以及一个新的陌生人 Little did I know that this book and a new stranger 将我的生命变成一场了惊心动魄的冒险 would take me on my own daring adventure. 我们从来不能感知希望降临的方向 we never know where hope is going to come from. 有的只是些许的紧张 Just a little nervous, that"s all. 但那一天 希望从两个方向向我们降临 but that day, hope came in two ways. 走 过来 Come on, come on. 妈妈总说 即使找不到它来临的方向 Mama always said we needed to have hope, even if we didn"t 我们也要心怀希望 know where it was coming from. 但那天 我和妈妈都等到了自己的希望 But that day hope came for both of us. 好孩子 Good boy. 你看 妈妈从来没有赶马的本领 you see, mama never had the knack 对她来说 备好这些马去市场售卖♥♥ for breaking horses and she was having 也是个难差事 a difficult time getting them ready for market. 好样的 小家伙 Good boy, good boy. 那天 山姆进入了我们的生活 and that was the day sam barnes entered our lives. 好了 Whoa, whoa... okay, okay. 去吧 去吧 Go on, go on. 快去吧 Whoa, go on. 接下来你需要每天骑着它跑几次 You"ll need to ride him a few times a day for 大概一周左右 the next week or so.
就会好上手很多 He"ll handle nicely. 你肯定经常骑马 You must ride a lot. 是的 Well... 一点点 蒂维基夫人 a bit, Mrs. Tilwicky. 对于男人来说 即使骑马的时间不长 也不会忘记 It"s been a while, but a man never forgets. 你怎么知道我的名字 How do you know my name? 路上有个买♥♥补给物资的伙计 Ah, there"s a fella up the road selling supplies. -金斯利先生 -对 他告诉我的 - Mr. Kinsley? - Yeah, he told me. 他告诉我 你可以接待租客 He said you were accepting boarders? 汤米 你先去把鸡喂了 Tommy, why don"t you go feed the chickens? -去 快去 -知道了 妈妈 -Go on, go on. -Okay, mama. 如果不行的话 我就不打扰了 If that"s not right, I can be on my way. 不 不是 可 可以 No, no, that"s-- That"s right. 你得原谅我 You"ll have to forgive me, I"ve just got a lot 最近烦心事比较多 on my mind is all. 苏姗 蒂维基 Susan tilwicky. 那是我的儿子 汤米 That there"s my boy tommy. 山姆 巴恩斯 Sam, barnes. 很高兴认识你 巴恩斯先生 Nice to meet you, Mr. Barnes. 我也是 Nice to meet you too. 那个 房♥租是一美金一晚
So... The room rate is a dollar a night. 包括一日三餐 以及衣物床铺一周一换洗 That includes three squares a day and fresh linens weekly. 呃 我没有 Uh, I don"t uh... 其实我还没钱支付你要的租金 I don"t exactly have the rate you"re asking. 我希望我能 I was hoping I could... 留在你这里帮忙 直到我找到一份稳定工作 work off my keep, till I find a regular paying job. 我相信你的丈夫需要我的帮助 I"m sure your husband could use the help. 我丈夫一年前就去世了 My husband passed near a year ago. 现在只剩我和汤米了 It"s just me and tommy now. 对 对不起 我不知道 Oh, well I"m sorry I-- I didn"t know. 没关系 Oh, no matter. 汤米也快长大成人了 他帮了我很多 Tommy"s near a man and he does real good. 但是 我恐怕只能接受你以支付租金的形式留在这里 But... I"m afraid we"re not in a position to have anyone 而不是其他的形式 else on with us at the moment unless it"s on a paying basis. 我 我希望你能理解 I-- I hope you understand. 好的 夫人 Yes ma"am. 我理解 I understand. 那我先 先走了 I"ll be uh... on my way. 祝小家伙们好运 Good luck with those horses. 巴恩斯先生 mr. Barnes! 巴恩斯先生 Mr. Barnes!
好吧 其实在谷仓后面有一个带小床的房♥间 Well, we do have a room in the back of the barn with a cot. 之前母牛产崽的时候 我丈夫会住在那里 My husband used to stay there when a cow was calving. 所以 So... 当然你可以暂住在这里 you can stay there if you"d like on a temporary basis, of course. 但是你需要帮我们把这些马赶回家 But, you help us get these horses broke and we"ll 之后我们再商量更好的住宿办法 talk about more suitable accommodations inside. 成交 You got yourself a deal. 好吧 成交 All right then, all right then. 我会带你去看看你的屋子 I"ll show you to your room. 这就是我们与山姆见面的场景 and that"s how we met sam barnes. 我第一眼见到他的时候就喜欢他 I took a liking to him right away. 但像全天下的好妈妈一样 Mama was a little hesitant; 妈妈却有些犹豫 as all good mothers are. 晚饭好了 Dinner"s ready. 那张照片 是 That picture in there, is-- 是你妈妈 Is that your mama? 谁 乔西吗 Oh, who, josie? 不 不是 No, no... 她是我们在亚利桑那州时的朋友 she was a friend of my family from a time in arizona. 不幸的是 她和她的孩子死于难产 Unfortunately, she and her child died during childbirth. 这样啊
I see. 嗯 很不幸 Yeah, sad. 我母亲总是将这张照片留在身边 You know, my mama always kept that photograph around. 母亲说这能提醒她 我能平安无事的出生 She said it reminded her of how lucky her and my pa 她和我父亲是何其的幸运 were that I turned out all right. 生命是多么的脆弱 And how fragile life can be. 的确如此 That you did. 巴恩斯先生 你愿意 Well, Mr. Barnes would you... 赏个光吗 like to do the honors? 当然 Oh... I would. 呃 你愿意带领我们祷告吗 uh, would you like to lead us in prayer? 如果你不介意的话 If it"s all the same to you, I would prefer to leave it in 我偏向把这交给像你这样更有能力的人做 your more than capable hands, if that"s all right. 非常好 Very well. 亲爱的主 Dear lord, thank you for the food that has 谢谢你给予我们食物 been placed before us. 赐于我们力量 以帮助那些贫穷的人 Give us strength so that we may help others who are less 以及在迷茫时 fortunate and help us to find our way when we are 为我们指引方向 blind to your cause. 我们奉救世主耶稣的名义向你祷告 阿门 We ask all this in jesus christ"s name our savior, amen. 阿门 Amen.
好了 巴恩斯先生 你可以开始享用了 Now, Mr. Barnes, you may do the honors. 好的 All right. 给 There you go. 现在纸质小说早已成为过去式 now pulp novels are a thing of the past. 我在门廊花了一个又一个小时 和杰西 詹姆斯一起骑马 I spent hour after hour on that porch, riding with jesse james 和卡拉米蒂 简一同开怀大笑 and laughing with calamity jane. 只要我一翻开书 When I turned a page... 周围的一切都开始慢慢褪去 everything around me faded away. 多么想我就在那里啊 How I wanted to truly be there. 不过通过这本书 And through those novels... 我身临其境 I was. "5 英尺洞穴传奇" "the legend of five mile cave." 关于法外之徒 苏特 格林的故事 the story of the outlaw, shooter green. 听起来令人振奋 Sounds exciting. 确实让人振奋 It is. 这个枪手 策划并实施了一次西方有史以来 This fella shooter, he pulled off one of the greatest 所见过的最重大的马车抢劫 stagecoach robberies the west had ever seen. 比利小子:美国著名罪犯 大西部枪手 14 岁成为孤儿 17 岁开始杀人
他们说他打枪的速度和比利小子一样快 They say he was as fast with a gun as billy the kid. 你是说 比利小子 Billy the kid, you say? -对 -那的确快 - Yep. - That"s fast.
真的很快 hat"s real fast. 孩子 不要相信书中的一切 Don"t believe everything you read in books, son. 为什么 Why"s that? 因为写书的人只想得到一样东西 Because the people that write those things are 是什么 only out for one thing. What"s that? 像你这样的孩子的买♥♥书的钱 Get kids like you to buy "em. 而且 Nbesides... 苏特 格林并没有比利小子那么快 shooter green wasn"t as fast as billy the kid. 他没有吗 He wasn"t? 没有 Heck, no. 他更快 He was faster. 你怎么知道 how do you know that? 因为我认识他 Because I knew him. 我觉得我还是上♥床♥睡觉比较好 Well, I"d better turn in. 这么快 还很早啊 So soon, but it"s early. 明天太多事要做 I got a lot to do tomorrow. 我们这些老骨头可不像以前恢复那么快 These old bones don"t recover like they used to. 我觉得巴恩斯先生说的对 I think Mr. Barnes has a good idea. 你 You... 也该去睡觉了 should be in bed as well. 妈妈 再让我读五分钟
Mama, let me read just five more minutes. 好吧 再给你五分钟 all right, five more minutes. 多一秒都不行 But not a second longer. 晚安 夫人 Good night, ma"am. 你可以 You can... 你可以叫我苏姗 you can call me susan. 好吧 如果你叫我山姆的话 Well, only if you call me sam. 好吧 all right. 山姆 Sam. 好的 苏姗 All right, susan. 小心别让臭虫咬了 Don"t let the bed bugs bite ya. 他看起来真的是个挺不错的家伙 He seems like a real nice fella. 是的 看起来不错 Yeah, seems. 图桑 1929 怎么了 yes? 你有个电报 You"ve got a telegram. -不是现在 萨利 -是紧急文件 -Not now, sally. -It"s marked urgent. 紧急 Urgent... 对 在阿肯色州联邦监狱 Yeah, it"s about some prison 有人越狱了 break over at the arkansas federal prison. 让我看一下 萨利 Let me take a look at that sally. 给
here you go. 呃 萨利 humph, sally... 取消午餐 cancel that lunch. 我需要出去一下 I might be gone a while. 给我一颗钉子 好吗 Hand me a nail, will ya? 钉子 喂 Nail, hello? 嘿 Hey? 不好意思 Sorry. 你有心事 something on your mind? 我只是在想你昨晚说的话 I was just thinking about what you said last night. 你真的认识苏特 格林吗 I mean, you really knew shooter green? 真的 我认识他 Yeah, I knew him. 但不怎么喜欢他 Didn"t much like him, though. 他很自大 He was cocky. 自大的人往往不顾后果 Cocky people get reckless. 所以他很刻薄吗 So he was mean, then? 不是 不计后果和刻薄是两回事 No, reckless and mean are two different things. 所以是怎么回事 How"s that? 但我知道真正的苏特并没有伤害其他人 Well, I know for a fact shooter never set out to hurt anyone. 也不是一个法外之徒 Never set out to become an outlaw either for that matter. 此话怎讲呢 What makes you say that?
好吧 苏特 格林去图桑的时候 Well, I was there... 我当时也在那 when shooter green came to the town of tucson 正值 1887 年的夏天 in the summer of 1887. 是抢劫案发生的那个夏天 The same summer as the robbery. 完全正确 The very same. 他是骑马从东边进入的图桑 Shooter was riding in from the east. 他没有家人 没有钱 He had no family, no money... 也没有任何财物 除了那匹叫传布的马 and no possessions, except his horse named trapper. 和那把他随身携带的六发式左轮手♥枪♥ And his six-shooter he always kept on him. 那他的父母呢 What happened to his parents? 不知道 Don"t know. 他总说他是在一座教堂的门阶边被发现的 Shooter always said that he was found at the doorstep 没有字条 没有姓名 什么也没有 of a church, no note, no name, nothing. 但他却已经准备好了征服世界 But shooter was ready to take on the world. 图桑就是他的第一站 Tucson would be the first stop. 那一年六月 他到了图桑 he arrived in june of that year and quickly 而且很快适应了那里的环境 got himself acclimated. 他带着让大家都能认可他能力的希望从堪萨斯州来到这 He had come from kansas with the hopes of staking a claim. 但 要想成功的话 But, to do that... 他需要钱 he needed money. 你看 当格林知道他是最快的枪手 在整个
you see, while shooter knew he was the fastest gun around... 至少在图桑无人能及 no one else in tucson did. 喜欢你们目前所看到的吗 So y"all like what you see so far? 对 很棒 Yeah, it"s pretty good. 好吧 现在有个更麻烦的事 All right, here comes a tricky one. 你看见了吗 You see this? 哈 Huh? 我正要把它扔向空中 I"m gonna flick it up in the air and I"m gonna 再用我的手♥枪♥射击它 shoot it with my pistol. 那边的人 什么东西有这么好笑? what do you think is so funny over there, huh? 你觉得我做不了是吗 不 You don"t think I can do it? No. 不可能的 小伙子 No way, young feller. 过来 Come on. 谢谢 Thank you. 非常感谢 Thank you very much. 我看见了几张苦瓜脸 I see some sour faces. 很感谢 I appreciate it. 这顶帽子也是 This hat sure appreciates it. 再远一点 come on now, further. 现在真的来劲了 all right, now we"re talking. 对 就是那里 Yeah, yeah right there.
很好 all right. 我是苏特 格林 My name"s shooter green. 我能在 50 码外将狗身上的跳蚤打下来 I can shoot the flea off a dog from 50 yards. 我能将子弹从针眼中打过去 I can put a bullet through the eye of a needle. 你们还知道吗 You know what else? 我攻击速度比响尾蛇还快 I strike faster than a rattlesnake. 呃 Hmm. 是的 Yeah... 打偏了 赔三倍 a Miss pays three to one. 有人下注吗 Anybody interested? 你下吗 you interested? -你吗 -对 - You sure? - Yeah. 嗯 好 Yeah? All right. 我下 50 I got 50. -哇 -你有那么多钱赔给我吗? -Whoa. -Got enough to cover a bet like that? 山姆 巴恩斯:接下来 乔西小姐到了 Sam barnes, v/o: and then, Miss josie hayes arrived. 小甜心 放心 管够 Sweetheart, I got plenty. 汤米:海耶斯小姐呢 Tommy, v/o: what about Miss hayes? 那就好 All right then... 算我一个 consider me in. 山姆 巴恩斯:乔西小姐很特别
Sam barnes, v/o: josie hayes was special. 苏特立马就注意到她了 Shooter knew it right away. 你的钱 Your money. 山姆巴恩斯:一些人说它是红尾鹰 Sam barnes, v/o: some say it was a red-tailed hawk. 其它人说乔西给苏特下了一个咒语 Others say josie put a spell on shooter. 但 苏特 But, shooter... 呃 well... 这是唯一一次被记录在史册的 it was the only time in recorded history that 苏特失手的一次 shooter missed a shot. 山姆 巴恩斯:也是唯一输的一次 sam barnes, v/o: as well as lost a bet. 你确定你够吗 Sure you got enough? 要不我们做个交易吧 就当你还了 Pay it off in trade if you have to. 不用 我有 no, I got it. 你不用担心你那漂亮的小脑瓜 Don"t you worry your pretty little head. 我没有的话 就不会下这个赌注了 I wouldn"t have made the bet if I didn"t. 142 145 140, 142, 145... 够了 that"s enough. 我说了我有 I said I got enough. -好吗 -好吧 -All right? -Okay. 嗯 150 Yeah, 150. 你可以点一下 You can count it if you like.
不用 我相信你 That"s all right, I trust you. 你看起来是个说话算数的人 You seem like a man of your word. 对 我是 well, I am. 你可以把这个存去银行 You can take that to the bank with ya. -嗯 正有此意 -很好 -Well, I intend to. -Good. 好了 我得走了 Well, I better get going. 等一下 Hey wait. -你的名字是 -海耶斯 -You got a name? -Hayes. 乔西 海耶斯 Josie hayes. 乔西 海耶斯 Josie hayes. 你从哪儿过来的 Well, where ya from? 我住在墓碑附近 从那到这儿需要骑半天自行车 I live half a day"s ride down in tombstone. 我爸在那是个银行家 My daddy"s a banker there. 怪不得 Oh, that makes sense. 那你应该真的会拿 I guess you really are gonna take the money 这些钱到银行 对吗 to the bank then, aren"t ya? 我还得骑很长一段路 I"ve got a long ride ahead of me. 呃 好吧 Well, uh... 你是自己骑到这来的吗 did you ride down here all by yourself? -我的意思是 -这有什么问题吗 -I mean... -Is something wrong with that? 呃 我是说
Well uh... I mean... 我想应该只是 I guess it"s just that... 只是什么 just what? 女人恐怕没办法靠她们自己骑车 Women aren"t supposed to ride all by themselves, 是这样 is that it? 呃 不 Well... No! 我是说 当然 I mean uh... of course, yeah. 那很好 我想 It"s fine, I guess. -我无意冒犯 -听着 格林先生 -I didn"t mean no offense. -Look here, Mr. Green. 我虽然是个女人 I might be a woman... 但 我能照顾我自己 but, I can take care of myself. 哼 humph. 嗯 苏特 yep, shooter green had 他是有超高的枪法 a masterful command of a gun. 但 他的心 But, his heart? 那完全又是另一回事了 Well... That was another matter all together. 您好 海耶斯小姐 well howdy, Miss hayes. 我希望你回程的路上 I was hoping I could accompany you... 能让我陪着你 on your ride back to tombstone. 看在上帝的份上 Oh, for pete"s sake. 你没有其他更值得做的事吗 Don"t you have anything better to do?
这世上没有任何地方比这里值得 There"s nowhere else in this world I"d rather be right 在这里 和你一起 now than right here with you. 我想说 你刚刚那一枪 I"ll tell ya, that was some real sharp shooting 真的又快又准 you did back there. 谁教的你 Who taught you? 我自己 Myself. 吓到你了 You surprised? 真的 Truthfully? 是的 Yeah. 真的很厉害 是吗 Well, that"s real nice, ain"t it? 听我说 海耶斯小姐 我在关键时刻从不撒谎 Listen Miss hayes, I don"t lie, not when it counts. 这点你之后会了解到的 And that"s something you"ll learn about me. 去 To... 了解某些人的某些事 learn something about someone... 意味着你想要长时间的待在他身边 implies that you want to be around them long enough 引起对他的兴趣 to take any interest. 你为什么会以为我想一直待在你身边 What makes you think I want to be around you long enough? 我不知道 I don"t know. 或许我已经从你的眼睛里得到了答案 Maybe I just see it in your eyes. 真的吗 Oh, is that a fact? 你还想知道其他的事实吗
And you want to know what else is a fact? 我想你会告诉我 Reckon you"re gonna tell me anyway. 终有一天 Someday... 我会让你成为我的妻子 I"m gonna make you my wife. 这个 well, to do that... 那你必须得能赶得上我 you"re gonna have to catch me. 哇 whoo hoo! 快了 All right! 所以苏特枪法真的很快 so shooter really was that fast with a gun. 的确是 Sure was. 天赋异禀的他让我赌赢过 但却输得更多 I won and lost more money on that boy"s talents. 还有乔西 And josie? 为什么这本书从来没提到过她 How come the book never mentions her? 呃 Well... 没人真正认识她 nobody really knew about her. 他们的关系更像一个秘密 See their relationship was kind of a secret. 他父亲是那的大人物 Her daddy was the big man in those parts. 乔西知道如果她跑去向一个来自堪萨斯州的流浪枪手求爱的话 Josie knew her daddy wouldn"t take too kindly to her courting 她的父亲一定不会接受 a vagabond marksman from kansas. 所以 他们隐藏了这段关系 So, they kept their relationship a secret. 乔西想要告诉她的父母 Josie wanted to tell her parents.
她爱那个最真实的苏特 She loved shooter for who she was. 她只是 She just... 认为不管怎么样 figured her parents needed to accept that 他们都必须接受这个事实 one way or another. 另一方面 苏特却认为 Shooter on the other hand, he figured... 在他有能力负担得起一枚合适的戒指 一场合适的婚礼 best be kept a secret till he could afford to buy her 还有一座合适房♥子之前 以及 a proper ring, proper wedding, proper house, all the... 以及在他有能力承担起她原生家庭所给她的东西之前 all the things a woman of her upbringing 他们的关系最好只能是个秘密 had grown accustomed to. 苏特那个迟钝的脑袋还是无法理解乔西所说的 Shooter just couldn"t get it through his thick head that... 她爱的就是最原本的那个他 josie loved him for being him. 关于这一切 巴恩斯先生 There"s just one thing I don"t quite understand 我有一点还是无法理解 about all this Mr. Barnes... 什么 what"s that? 如果他们的关系只能是个秘密 Well if their relationship was supposed to be a secret, 你是怎么知道的呢 how come you knew about it? 你问的很好 now that is a good question. 我猜 呃 I guess that uh- 午饭已经好了 Lunch is ready! 我饿了 走吃饭去吧 I"m starved, let"s eat. 我也是
me too. 那些三明治很棒 Those sandwiches were good, man. 是的 Oh yeah, mmm-hmm. 简单但又令人满足 Simple yet satisfying. 的确是这样 Sure was. 就在刚才 巴恩斯先生给我讲了 Mr. Barnes here has been telling me all about 法外之徒苏特 格林的故事 the outlaw shooter green. 啊哈 Uh-huh. 真的吗 Is that a fact? 是的夫人 Yes ma"am. 但我多半都在告诉他说 Mostly I was telling tommy not to believe everything 不要相信他在书上所看到的 he reads in books. 至少不是那些书 At least not those types anyway. 你可以因此而责怪我 Well, I guess you can blame me for that. 是我允许他读这类书的 I"m the one who let him start reading them. 看起来这是他唯一感兴趣的事 自从 Seems it"s the only thing he enjoys since... 呃 um... 呃 收拾一下 uh, clear your place. 好的 先生 yes sir. 放心 我们会一起解决的 Here,we"ll help you out here. 谢谢 Thank you.
你好 yes? 我 I uh... 我无意打搅你 夫人 但是 I don"t mean to disturb you ma"am, but uh... 我在找一对叫凯恩森的情侣 I"m looking for a couple by the name of kineson. 他是我们在图桑三十多年以来的管家 He was our family"s minister in tucson over 30 years ago. 能花你一点时间聊一下吗 You got a second to talk? 我想 可以休息一下喝个茶 Well, I could use a refreshment. 你想来吗 Do you want to join me on the porch? 谢谢 夫人 Thank you, ma"am. 没有太多其他的东西 don"t get much company out here. 谢谢 Uh, thank you. 那么... so um... 凯恩森走了多久了 how long ago did the kinesons pass? 有些年了 Oh, some years back. 应该就在战争前夕 Just before the war I think. 死于车祸 Car accident. 他们 他们有个女儿是吗 They uh, they had a daughter didn"t they? 对 yes, mm-hmm. 我记得是住在肯塔基州附近 Lives in kentucky near as I can recollect. 她和当地的一个家伙结了婚 She married a fella up there. 蒂维基 达尔文 蒂维基
Tilwicky, darwin tilwicky. 他们买♥♥给了我们这块地 They sold us this place. 当他们出♥售♥时 我们就买♥♥下了它 When it went on the market we bought it. -你这么快就走了 -是的 夫人 -Oh, you going so soon? -Yes, ma"am. 我可不是赛马 而且肯塔基的 I"m not a race horse and kentucky"s... 如果我一直坐在这儿 可是到不了的 not getting any closer with me sitting here. 好的 再见 Well bye. 你有开过枪吗 you ever fired a gun before? 没有 先生 No sir. 我父亲承诺过我们会 但是 My pa kept promising we would, but... 我想说 Well, I tell you what... 为什么我们不在做完今早的工作后 试一试呢 after chores this morning, why don"t we give it a try? 如果你妈妈不介意的话 That is, if it"s okay with your mom. 在聊什么 What"s that? 巴恩斯先生想在工作之后教我射击 Mr. Barnes wants to teach me to shoot after chores! 好吗 妈妈 拜托 Can we mama, please? 男孩需要知道怎么保护他的家庭 Boy should learn to protect his family. 如果你不介意我这么说的话 If you don"t mind my saying. 事实上 我真的介意 山姆 In fact, I do mind, sam. 枪不是玩具 A gun is not a toy. 妈妈 我已经快 11 Mama, I"m nearly 11-
听你妈妈说 汤米 listen to your mama, tommy. 我应该先询问她的意见 I should"ve consulted her. 对不起 是我逾越了 I overstepped; I apologize. 没事 ah, it"s all right. 只是银行那边的事让我神经有些紧张 This business at the bank has just got me a little stressed. 就是这样 That"s all. 他的父亲之前也打算教他怎么射击和 His pa was gonna teach him how to shoot and... 汤米不应该做这些 只是因为 tommy shouldn"t have to suffer just because 他来这不是因为这个 he"s not around here to do that. 所以他能教我是吗 That mean he can teach me? 是吗 妈妈 Does it, mama? 如果你能先搞定你的工作 可以 I suppose so, providing you get your chores done. 好的 妈妈 我会的 Okay, okay mama I will! 我现在就去 I"ll start right now! 呃 Uh... 嘿 现在是工作时间 hey paps, it"s chore time! 你发誓你会保证他的安全 you promise me you"ll keep him safe. 我发誓 Oh, you have my word. 谢谢你 山姆 Thank you, sam. 好运 good luck. 生意方面的事
My husband always dealt with 一直是我丈夫处理的 the business side of things. 这个农场已经经手了他们家几代人 The farm has been in his family for generations. 嗯 我 Yes, I... 很遗憾他的离开 was sorry to hear of his passing. 谢谢 Thank you. 蒂维基夫人 我已经没有其他的借口来帮你延期了 There"s no delicate way to put this Mrs. Tilwicky, so... 就只能直说了 I"m just gonna come out with it. 银行方面已经开始请求没收你的财产 The bank has petitioned your property for foreclosure. 这是什么意思 What exactly does that mean? 呃 well... 如果到这个月底你还无法还贷款的话 you"ll have till the end of the month to either bring 你就得留下你的房♥产和地♥产♥ 拿着你的行李离开了 the loan current or remove your belongings from the premises. 剩下的任何东西和你的房♥地♥产♥ Anything left will be sold at auction two weeks 都会下两周之后进行拍卖♥♥ later with the property. 但我们的马可能还需要再等三个月才能卖♥♥出去 But the horse auction"s not for another three months. 我们没有 We don"t- 我们没有足够的时间 we don"t have enough time. 我们还没有等到一个好的价格 Without broke horses we won"t get a good enough price. 我很抱歉 但 I"m sorry, but... 但政策就是政策 夫人 but policy is policy, ma"am.
我先生将他毕生心血都投入到了这个农场 My husband put everything he had into that farm. 他也曾为国家而战 And he fought in the war for our country. 不管怎么样我们将它经营了下来 And somehow we managed to hang onto it. 但 如果你将农场从我们身边拿走 But, if you take that farm away from us, 就是拿走了他唯一留给我们的东西 that"s all we got left of him. 所以我请求你 求你能不能 So I"m just asking you please, please can you 再给我们六个月 just give us six more months? 这六个月我会筹到所有的钱 I can get you the money in six months. 蒂维基夫人 Mrs. Tilwicky... 别这样 please. 我真的很抱歉 但银行已经做了 I"m really sorry, but the bank"s done... 做了我们所能做的一切 夫人 done all we can do, ma"am. 谢谢你抽空和我说这么多 thank you for your time. 好枪法 巴恩斯先生 good shot, mr. Barnes! 好了 现在到你了 All right, it"s gonna be your turn now. 我将会把它交给你 I"m gonna hand you this weapon. 你要好好的 紧紧的抓住它 You"re gonna take a nice, firm grip on it. 握住 握住这里 You grab that, grab it right there. 感觉还不错 You got it good? Uh-huh. 把它牢固的放在你的肩膀上 Put that into your shoulder, nice and tight. 你不是已经在书里见过了吗
You"ve read about this stuff, haven"t you? 是 先生 Yes, sir. 你的手放在这 把枪架在上面 Put your other hand out there, cradle it. 小心握住 Hold it carefully. 很好 All right... 现在 我要打开保险了 now, I"m gonna rack a load. 手在这下面 嗯 很好 Hand under there? Good, all right. 先不要把你的手放在扳机上 Don"t put your finger on the trigger yet, okay? 现在 你要从这看过去 Now, you"re gonna want to look through this sight here. -哈 -向前看 -Uh-huh... -On that front sight. 你的眼睛 Keep your eye focused on 要始终盯着前面 that front sight. 盯着这些苹果中的一个 You put it on one of those apples. 你要记住三件事 You"re gonna remember three things. 要稳 Nice balance. 深吸一口气 Take a nice, deep breath. 呼气 放松 let it go, relax. 然后温柔的扣动扳机 And gently pull that trigger. 没中 nuts! 没事 没事 It"s all right, that"s all right. 我们再来一次 Let"s try again.
手指放下来 Finger off that trigger. 好的 让它靠着你的肩膀 Okay, get it up against your shoulder. 盯着前面 Front sight. 稳住 呼吸 balance, breathing. 轻轻的扣动扳手 gently pull that trigger. 我打中了 I hit it! 你是个好射手 汤米 You"re a good shot, tommy. 或许有天会像苏特一样厉害 Just might be as good as shooter one day. 妈妈 妈妈 我做到了 mama, mama I did it! 我打中了一个水果 I shot a piece of fruit! 那是 呃 It was a... uh... 你叫它什么来着 what was it you called it again? 一百码射击 A hundred-yard shot. 对 一百码射击 Yeah, yeah a hundred-yard shot. 那还 还不错 that"s-- that"s good. 真的很棒 汤米 That"s real good, tommy. 汤米 你先去洗漱吧 Tommy, why don"t you go get washed up? 吃饭后我会叫你怎么清理它 I"ll teach you how to clean that after we eat. 好的 先生 Okay, yes sir. 去吧 Go on. 银行不会通融是吗
bank wouldn"t budge? 不会 No... 一点也没有 not even a little. 我不知道该怎么办了 I don"t know what I"m gonna do. 没事 都会好的 Well, it"s gonna be okay. 一切都会有办法的 It"s all gonna work out. 相信我 You"ll see. 只要你能为了那个男孩坚强下去 what you need to do is stay strong for that boy. 好吗 Okay? 你说的对 you"re right. 你说的对 You"re right. 我会照看汤米 I"ll mind tommy. 你想休息多久就休息多久 You take as much time as you need. 谢谢你 山姆 Thank you, sam. 一切都会好的 It"ll be fine. 嘿 昨天你说你会告诉我 hey, yesterday you were gonna tell me how come... 你怎么知道苏特那么多的事 you knew so much about shooter. 我是说 I mean... 他看起来是一个很孤僻的人 seeing as he was a loner and all. 呃 well... 其实你可以说我算是他的一个 I guess you could say I was sort of a...
密友吧 confidant of shooter"s. -那是什么 -密友 - What"s that? - Confidant? 他能倾诉的对象吧 Someone he could bounce things off of. 确保他在做对的事 Make sure he was doing the right thing. -就像我们现在在做的事 -对 - Kind of like what we"re doing right now. - Yeah. 就像我们现在所做的事 Kind of like what we"re doing right now. 所以 So... 最后苏特和乔西怎么样了 what ended up happening with shooter and josie? 看来你是不得到答案就不会放弃 You"re just not gonna give up till you know 对吗 everything, are ya? 对 Nope. 让我想想 我说到哪了 let me see... Where was I? 嗯 all right. 他们的地下恋情在那个夏天持续了很长时间 Shooter and josie had been secretly courting 而且苏特也知道 for most of the summer and... 乔西就是那个对的人 he knew she was the one for him. 他也知道如果想要向乔西求婚的话 He also knew that if he was gonna pop the question, 他需要买♥♥一枚订婚戒指 he needed to get her a proper engagement ring. 至少他是这么想的 At least to his way of thinking. 那他为什么不利用押注和射击 So, why didn"t he just raise m...
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