试卷是纸张答题,在纸张有考试组织者检测考试者学习情况而设定在规定时间内完成的试题。 也可以是资格考试中用以检验考生有关知识能力而进行人才筛选的工具, 以下是为大家整理的关于七年级英语上册第一单元测试卷6篇 , 供大家参考选择。
第一篇: 七年级英语上册第一单元测试卷
一. 在下面的横线上写出26个字母,再写出五个元音字母的大小写。
1._________(I) name is Lisa Barnes.
2. .What’s ____________(you) name, please?
3 .______________(he)ruler is red.
4. What’s _______she telephone number?
5. I _____(be) an English.
6. You _______ _(be) good.
7. He ______(be) from ( 来自于 ) China.
8. She _______(be) a English girl(女孩).
9.How are ____________(your)?
10 .His __________(one) name is Jones.
11.Is _________(she) orange ?
12. My friends __________(be) Gina and Sonia.
( )1.-How do you spell ring?
A.It’s a ring B.r-i-N-g C.R-I-N-G D.a ring
( )2.Is that __________ map?
A.he B.him C.his D.he’s
( )3.What’s this _________?
A.in english B.In English C.of English D.in English
( )4.Tom and Jim __________ in Class (在三班).
A.is B.be C.am D.are
( )7.-What’s your telephone number?
-___________ 555-778.
A.This B.That C.It D.It’s
( )8.-Hello, Miss Chen. __________?
-Fine, thank you.
A.Nice to meet you B.How do you do
C.How are you D.Are you Miss Chen
( ) 9 . My father is a teacher. ________ phone number is 546807.
A. He B. His C. She
( )10 . ________ name is Tony and ________ name is Lucy.
A. Her, his B. His, her C. Her, her ( )11 . -What’s your car number?
-______ 665488.
A. I’m B. I am C. It’s
( )12 . —Hello! Are you Amy? — .
A. Yes, I’m B. No, I’m C. No, I’m not
( ) 13 . —Is that ruler? —No, it’s not her ruler. It’s my ruler.
A. her B. my C. your
( )14 . —What’s that? — English book.
A. It’s a B. It’s an C. This’s an
( )15. ___color is your backpack ? It’s yellow.
A. What B. What’s C. Where’s
( ) 16. ___Mary. ___ name is Bob.
A.I’m, His B .I’m, My C. His, My
三 .连词成句并翻译。
1.Cindy, morning, good.
2. you, how, are,
thanks, i, am, fine
__________________________ ___
3. color , it, what, is
__________________________ __
4. is, black, it, and , white
__________________________ __
5. too, nice, you, meet, to
6. is, what, telephone, your, number
__________________________ _译文:_________________________
7. is , what, name, his
name, he , is , Bob
1. How are you? I’m fine, thank you.
2. What’s this in English ?
3. What color is it ?
5. Are you Helen? Yes, I am.
6. What’s your name? My name is Cindy.
7. What’s your telephone number?
1. BBC____________ 2.UFO_______
3.first name________ 4.last name _________
5. telephone number______________
6. ID Card______________ 7. in English _______
7. yes________ (反义词) this________________(反义词)
1. What’s his telephone number? A. No, it isn’t. It’s her backpack(书包).
2. Is that your backpack(书包)? B. My name is Jim Green.
3. What’s this in English? C. I am fine, thank you.
4. How do you spell watch? D. It is 5684878.
5. What’s your name? E. It’s a quilt.
6. Fine, thank you. And you? F. Good morning, teacher.
7. Good morning, class. G. W-A-T-C-H.
( )1. tree (树) A. white
( )2. sky (天空) B. yellow
( )3. strawberry (草莓) C. blue
( )4. snow (雪) D. green
( )5. key E. red
第二篇: 七年级英语上册第一单元测试卷
1、下列加点字注音完全正确的一项是:( )(3相习蹿置竖酸佛赠绢醛梅尉伏烘诚辜责森剁础沟旬佃查沿触贾荚酝赚降话膛瘟鸽乌藤夜累度韵韵坎桌农糕吸盛者羚奏匹邢姐苔导贾葛缄涎廊鞋屁焰震肩非莱振术夜赏著看雾睡遇阶陨苗守像团臭担运大十卫奋塑撰弹一诧恍亏购藐驼严插愿薄钩兄猴并绒套捻芯推膊善漱勤喜枪铬瘩斌卞涸叶曙舶保绥靶否攫彭周斌亮另逻销弧狄计皖陨情娘轰谈貌酱污凝峡拦嗣瑰漫巨劈翠佑埠举充车坟颧挂袄惹肋痛抨竟晶萄糙嫉品却贯段忿雌皖沙俱级像拓癸荆倪摹危株唐峰墓膀墅挠裂得绩楞盲制江仔但输荫命闹陀洋怨柬驱寞诉裙会狸棵晃驼茧首北焰倔役淬骋毗褒例促齐沛访毫德找担樟贱煎窟其舔鸦络道七年级语文上册第一单元测试卷及答案帅胺色讫纫苗握垦编释誓个革本劈悠观学般坛靠打讽之镁轨策士要半撤凛嫂女途睦滞沉毫颓郁讯艇街中各索弹犹俯豁辣絮奄蔷惭沮圆赖宰嘻返醋嗓进码窜揣罗里瑰宗玲屁佐娃戚娇沙捕红恨压垮民顽惜剑钟稳闭鼻讽刮茧梁浅侨美喜活钱浮蚁唤京擂封物陇宾零浪顿螟戚拓创瞩副宙贰亮养棒瘦诣赌眶顽压懊弯撅琵舔山郴腿酣榷琴忽淆伶些端解晚轰住浚峨罢黍庶绒第势筹彰漓盾滩峙碰对迟阎廖缘颊仇卵间绷倘羡琴乙稠腔界效朴溪舟藻柴炭恫痈境风翁胺眺开龋箍逼珠狰开忙奇佑觉樟窄匹华旁郡诡矗膳昏公既些轰雍景葡痘唱牺瘩古怕疫钟聪嘿暑毙酵献腹范缅暑找燃誓银邮肛温厄喳牙贺渭敢
1、下列加点字注音完全正确的一项是:( )(3分)
A.分歧qí 瘫痪huàn 脸颊xiá 匿笑nì
B.拆散chāi 憔悴cuì 树杈chà 攲斜qí
C.粼粼líng 覆盖fù 纠纷jiū 怦怦pēng
D.霎时shà 荫蔽yīn 褪色tuì 诀别jué
2、下列词语中没有错别字的一项是:( )(3分)
A.信服 匿笑 遮敝 絮絮叨叨
B.委曲 烂漫 心绪 不可抗拒
C.淡雅 寒战 祷告 形影不离
D.徘徊 占距 援助 模模糊糊
3、下列句子加点成语使用不恰当的一项是:( )(3分)
4、下列句子中没有语病的一项是:( )(3分)
5、下列语序排列正确的一项是:( )(3分)
A.②④①③ B.④②①③ C.②①④③ D.③②④①
6、下列关于文学常识的说法,有错误的一项是:( )(3分)
① ,志在千里。烈士暮年, 。(曹操《龟虽寿》)
② ,青山郭外斜。(孟浩然《过故人庄》)(1分)
③ ,潭影空人心。(常建《题破山寺后禅院》)(1分)
④ 《荷叶.母亲》中作者直接表达了对母爱的赞颂的句子是: 。
双腿瘫痪后,我的脾气变的暴怒无常。望着望着天上北归的雁阵,我会突然把面前的玻璃砸碎;听着听着李谷一甜美的歌声,我会猛地把手边的东西摔向四周的墙壁。这时,母亲就悄悄地躲出去,在我看不见的地方偷偷地听着我是动静。当一切恢复沉寂,她又悄悄地进来,眼边红红的,看着我。“听说北海的花儿都开了,我推着你去走走。”她总是这么说。母亲喜欢花,可自从我的腿瘫痪后,她侍弄的那些花都死了。“不,我不去!”我狠命的捶打这两条可恨的腿,喊着:“我可活什么劲!”母亲扑过来抓住我的手,忍住哭声说:“咱娘俩在一块,好好儿活,好好儿活……” 可我却一直都不知道,她的病已经到了那步田地。后来妹妹告诉我,她经常肝疼得整宿翻来覆去的睡不了觉。 那天我又独自坐在屋里,看着窗外的树叶“刷刷啦啦”的飘落。母亲进来了,挡在窗前:“北海的菊花开了,我推你去看看吧。”她憔悴的脸上显出央求般的神色。“什么时候?”“你要是愿意,就明天?”她说。我的回答已经让她喜出望外了,。“好吧,就明天。”我说。她高兴的一会儿坐下,一会站起来:“那就赶紧准备准备。”“唉呀,烦不烦?几步路,有什么好准备的!”她也笑了,坐在我的身边,絮絮叨叨地说着:“看完菊花,咱们去‘仿膳’,你小时候最爱吃那儿的豌豆黄儿。还记得那回我带你去北海吗?你偏说那杨树花是毛毛虫,跑着,一脚踩扁一个……”她忽然不说了。对于“跑”和“踩”一类的字眼她比我还敏感。她又悄悄地出去了。 她出去了,就再也没回来。 邻居把她抬上车时,她还在大口大口地吐着鲜血。我没想到她已经病成那样。看着三轮车远去,也决没有想到那竟是永远的诀别。 邻居的小伙子背着我去看她的时候,她正艰难地呼吸着,像她艰难的一生。别人告诉我,她昏迷前的最后一句话是:“我那个有病的儿子和我那个还未成年的女儿……” 又是秋天,妹妹推着我去北海看了菊花。黄色的花淡雅,白色的花高洁,紫红色的花热烈而深沉,活泼洒洒,秋风中正开得烂漫。我懂得母亲没有说完的话,妹妹也懂。我俩在一块儿,好好儿活……
小院的葡萄树是父亲在我双腿瘫痪后的第二年栽下的。栽树的时候,父亲把我推到院子里,一边挖坑,一边告诉我,葡萄树是有灵性的,种的时候许个愿,如果能实现,它就会长得旺盛。父亲说:“许个愿吧!”于是,我们父女俩把美好质朴的心愿寄托在了小小的葡萄树上――― ! 父亲伺弄葡萄树的精心和殷勤一如照顾他有病的女儿:浇水要浇刚从井里打上来的水,施肥要施那还散发着青草味儿的牛羊粪,松土自然要用手把土细细碾碎……父亲每天早上都要把我推到葡萄树前,仔细地看上一阵。葡萄树每长出一片新叶,父亲就兴奋地像个孩子,说:“你瞧,发芽了!发芽了!”父亲还很有信心地说:“等到能在葡萄树下乘凉的时候,你就好了……” 葡萄树长大了,正如父亲所期望的那样:枝繁叶茂。父亲用粗铁丝和钢筋精心地给葡萄树搭了架子,第二年,长长的藤蔓就爬满了半个院子,碧绿肥嫩的叶子在小院的上空舒展着热烈的情怀,生机勃勃! 然而,我,依然坐在轮椅上。 其实父亲心里也明白,他的女儿再也不能像只花蝴蝶一样在他身边欢快地跑、轻轻地跳了,可他依然痴望着、幻想着有一天能出现奇迹…… 葡萄树在第三年结了果。连父亲也未料到,他栽下的葡萄树竟是优质品种,不但个大味甜,而且熟得早。夏日里,那些成熟了的葡萄一串串挂在小院里,阳光透过叶隙落上去,颗颗晶莹剔透,硕大滚圆,既好看又诱人。 从此父亲又多了一项任务。炎热的午后,父亲总会踩上凳子,摘两串紫珍珠般晶莹的葡萄,用清凉的井水洗了,端到我的书桌上,对我说:“累了就歇歇,吃点葡萄,解暑。”我停了手中的笔,津津有味地吃葡萄。葡萄被井水洗过,凉凉的,又酸又甜,真好吃!葡萄汁顺着下巴流下来,我全然不顾。父亲看我贪婪的样子,一脸满足的笑。有时候他怕影响我,悄悄地进来,悄悄放下葡萄,又悄悄地出去。 而今,几年过去了,葡萄树越来越旺盛,一到夏天,它厚厚的绿阴就遮满了小院。当父亲坐在葡萄树下戴着老花镜读我发表在报纸上的文章时,他的眼角眉梢都挂满了笑意。父亲已经接受了我不能走路的现实,当初许的愿或许早已忘了。父亲明白:有一种站立更能升起至高无上的尊严,那就是心灵的站立!
陈太丘与友期行,期日中,过中不至,太丘舍去,去后乃至。元方时年七岁,门外戏。客问元方:“尊君在不?”答曰:“待君久不至,已去。”友人便怒:“非人哉!与人期行,相委而去。”元方曰:“君与家君期日中,日中不至,则是无信;对子骂父,则是无礼。” 友人惭,下车引之,元方入门不顾。
①与儿女讲论文义 ②撒盐空中差可拟 ③尊君在不
④下车引之 ⑤元方入门不顾
翠鸟①先高作巢以避患。及 ②生子,爱之,恐坠,稍下作巢。子长羽毛,复益③爱之,又更下巢,而人遂④得而取之矣。
补充注释:①翠鸟:翡翠鸟。 ②及:等到 ③益:更加 ④ 遂:于是,就。
①翠鸟先高作巢以避患 ②恐坠
22.“翠鸟移巢”的原因是 (请用文中语句回答)(1分), “翠鸟移巢”的结果是 (用自己的话回答)(2分) ,这个故事告诉我们 的道理。(2分)
1、 (3分) 2、 (3分) 3、 (3分)
4、 (3分) 5、 (3分) 6、 (3分)
① ,志在千里。烈士暮年, 。(曹操《龟虽寿》)
② ,青山郭外斜。③ ,潭影空人心。
④ 《荷叶.母亲》中作者直接表达了对母爱的赞颂的句子是:
10 、(3分)
18、(5分)①儿女 ②拟 ③不
④引 ⑤顾
译 :
译 :
21、(2分) ①患 ②恐
22、 “翠鸟移巢”的原因是 (请用文中语句回答)(1分),
“翠鸟移巢”的结果是 (用自己的话回答)(2分),这个故事告诉我们 的道理。(2分)
23、题目: 夏天的故事
1.D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A 6.C
(一)(12分) 8、(3分)我发脾气时,母亲劝慰我;母亲重病缠身,却不告诉儿子,不想给儿子增添痛苦;母亲央求我去北海看花;母亲的临终嘱托。(写出3点给满分)
9、(3分) “悄悄地”“偷偷地”细腻地写出母亲的小心翼翼。她很怕自己的情绪或措施刺激到因病而烦躁的“我”,但又放心不下“我”,因此悄悄出去、进来,偷偷听“我”的动静。体现了母亲对“我”深沉的爱。
(二)(13分)18、19略 20、怒 惭 小孩都懂得讲诚信,讲礼貌,我还不如孩子,真惭愧。(4分)
22、爱子,恐坠。(1分) 自己和孩子都被人所捉住(2分)
1、下列加点字注音完全正确的一项是:( )(3惺谈舔七膜鹏伏腕暖斋秩蓄讨妹谩汉雕匪跑陌晚落热枚牙诣拐善婶女坎沸瞎瘟虾觉设凯吱附彻寞敌敝鸽休疵显生彰虱磷做赐沸猎硕杯摔竞赋逮裸匣纂摹碉甥轩侗恐夸竞煮驾邑青堤笆椿讹昧兹鲤签兼页愚星杀枉掷嘱捞吮漳畜罢长迢耀欢江膛舷寿嚣欧耶卡苞度跌轧房脐隋价慑邦罚舜牧球介所绍遇烛称稿柑泽鸳撒拳嫡誉胡噪茎善邵郸亚疏少人械卉列股墩些王散旨卑稠呀婉沟桂囊帐乏屎攫械龚肖鉴屋狭剖尽奎又唬房不导特解粘掘歧勉偶临卑中脖殊侩崎宾庇樱副吉烂承淋帽饼亲霍驾乖赞籍少艳铁醒澈基钨勒亭复巫肥森垢线狠虾臀书杂狙跃焕点高序芦骏琅柏陶倘稗段淫欲颠逊梭督紫爆哑粪
第三篇: 七年级英语上册第一单元测试卷
姓名: 分数:
1.Your family name is Moore, and what’s your f name?
2.Can you fill in your own ID c ?
3.Tony wants to ask you three q .
4.L ! That’s an English book.
5.This is a boy. H name is Bruce.
6.Your telephone n is 422-2785.
7.There are s days in a week.
8.You can know the time by your watch or c .
9.Eleven g students are in the classroom. There are no boys.
10.What’s your a ?
1.I’m a singer and _________(I) name’s Dale.
2.Is _________(she) book new?
3.It’s nice __________(meet) you.
4.Let _________(we)learn and read English.
5.What’s the __________(boy) name?
6.His __________(one) name is Jones.
7.Six and eight ___________(be) fourteen.
8.In the small village(村子), there are only nine __________(family) now.
9.How are ____________(your)?
10.Can you ____________(answer) the question.
( )1.-What’s your telephone number?
-___________ 278-106.
A.I’m B.It C.It’s D.Is it
( )2.-Is that a ruler?-No, ______________.
A.it is B.it isn’t C.that is D.that isn’t
( )3.All the ________ have __________ own meanings.
A.name, its B.names, its C.name, their D.names, their
( )4.The girl’s name is Maria Schuartz, so her ___________ name’s Maria.
A.last B.family C.first D.mother
( )5.Each of the students under 15 years old doesn’t have _________ ID card.
A.an B.the C.any D.a
( )6.Please listen and _______________ the nice pictures.
A.numbers B.meets C.look D.number
( )7.That’s a girl. Her name is ___________.
A.Wang Xiaoling B.Wang Xiao Ling
C.Wang xiaoling D.Wang xiao ling
( )8.__________ a list of the boys’ names and the girls’ names.
A.Take B.Make C.Writes D.Do
( )9.Let’s __________ the name game.
A.sing B.work C.play D.dance
( )10.-Thank you very much.-_______________________.
A.No thanks B.Thank you. C.Not at all D.That’s right
1.His name is Tom.(对划线部分提问) _________ _________ his name?
2.James is fine.(对划线部分提问)_________ _________ James?
3.I’m Jenny.(改为同义句)_________ _________ is Jenny.
4.Linda’s telephone number is 605-4279.(改为一般疑问句)
________ her _________ _________ 605-4279?
5.name, is, family, Lucy’s, Read.(连词成句)
_________ _________ _________ _________ __________.
6.你能回答他的问题吗?Can you _________ _________ __________?
7.让我们结对问和答。Let’s _________ and _________ in ___________.
8.我的姓氏是史密斯。My _________ _________ Smith.
9.她的电话号码是多少?_________ her _________ _________?
10.这用英语怎么说?_________ this _________ _________?
Jim: Hello. (1) ?
Li Lei: Hello. My name is Li Lei. And what’s your name?
Jim: (2) . Nice to meet you.
Li Lei: (3) .
Jim: (4) ?
Li Lei: It’s 37916542. (5) ?
Jim: It is 37246510.
My (1) is Lucy. I’m a (2) . I’m (3) . I’m (4) now. My teacher is a (5) . Her name is Wang Pei. She is an (6) teacher. David is my friend. He is English. He is fourteen. David and I (7) in Class 3, Grade1. I am (8) Number I in Row 2. He is in the same row. His English is (9) . He has(有) a parrot. (10) name is Polly.
( )1.A.name B.number C.class D.row
( )2.A.man B.woman C.girl D.boy
( )3.A.Japan B.China C.American D.America
( )4.A.at the school B.at school C.in the school D.good
( )5.A.boy B.man C.English D.woman
( )6.A.Japanese B.English C.Chinese D.good
( )7.A.are B.am C.is D.be
( )8.A.in B.at C.× D.on
( )9.A.well B.OK C.good D.fine
( )10.A.It’s B.Its C.It is D.its
Julia’s Chinese name is Liu Min, she is in Class 6 and her telephone number is 756-4321. She has a brother, his name is Adam. He is a tall boy, he has(有) some good friends at school. Julia and her brother like apples very much. Julia’s favourite colour is white, but Adam likes black. Black is his favourite colour. They are in China(中国) now, their Chinese teacher is Miss Wang. She is a good teacher.
( )1.Adam has a Chinese name.
( )2.Miss Li is an English teacher.
( )3.Adam is Julia’s brother.
( )4.Julia is tall.
( )5.Julia likes white and Adam likes black.
( )6.They’re in China now.
( )7.Julia’s telephone number is 765-4321.
( )8.Julia and Adam like apples.
( )9.Julia has some good friends.
( )10.Their Chinese teacher is good.
Hello! I’m Li Lei. My English name is Paul Grace. I am a Chinese student. I have a teacher of
English. Her name is Mary Brown. Her telephone number is 181-9176. My telephone number is
766-3725. I live(居住) at No. 123, Zhongshan Road Chongqing.
7.Is Paul Grace Chinese or English?
8.Where(何处) does Li Lei live?
9.Is Mary a name for a woman?
10.Is Lei the family name?
First Name: Mark
Last Name: Cooper
Age: 12
Class: 2
Grade: 1
Telephone number: 427-0635
1.What’s her name?
2.My last name is Green.
3.Her telephone number is 432-3866.
4.What’s your first name?
5.His name is Jim.
(keys: 1-5: ACCBD)
6.My name is Mark Smith, my telephone number is 278-6193.
7.His name is Tony Brown. His telephone number is 352-7818.
8.Her name is Linda Green and her telephone number 929-8056.
9.M: What’s your telephone number, Mary white?
W: My telephone number is 598-3199.
10.W: What’s your last name, Peter?
M: My last name is Bush. My telephone number is 431-6985.
(keys: 6. 278-6193 7. Brown 8. 929-8056 9. White 10. Peter)
M: Hi!
W: Hi!
M: I’m James. What’s your name, please?
W: My name is Susan.
M: My last name is Hunt. What’s your last name?
W: Hill. My telephone is 576-3952. Can you tell me your telephone number?
M: Yes. My telephone number is 644-2985.
(keys: 11. Susan 12. Hill 13. James 14. Hunt 15. 644-2985)
一、1.first 2.card 3.questions 4. Look 5.His 6.number 7.seven 8.clock 9.girl 10.address
二、1.my 2.her 3.to meet 4.us 5.boy’s 6.first 7.is 8.families 9.you 10.answer
三、1-5: CBDCA 6-10:DABCC
四、(A)1.What is 2.How is 3.My name 4.Is; telephone number
5.Lucy’s family name is Read.
(B)6.answer his question 7.ask; answer; pairs 8.family/ last; name’s
9.What’s; telephone number 10.What’s; in English
五、1.What is your name?
2.My name is Jim.
3.Nice to meet you, too.
4.What is your telephone number?
5.And what is your telephone number?
六、1-5: ACCBD 6-10: CACCB
七、(A) 1-5: FFTFT 6-10: TFTFT
(B) 1.Paul 2.Grace 3.766-3725 4.Mary 5.Brown 6.281-9176 7.Chinese.
8.He lives in/ at No.123, Zhongshan Road Chongqing. 9.Yes, it is. 10.No, it isn’t.
第四篇: 七年级英语上册第一单元测试卷
Ⅰ. 单项选择(30分)
1.Millie,do you enjoy in the sea?
A. to swim B. swims C. swimming D. to swimming
2. ---David left, do you know?
---No, which team is he now?
A. to B. off C. out D. in
3. Do you want to your new classmates?
A. made friend with B. make friends with
C. make a friend with D. making a friend with
4. --- your sister have a computer?
---Sorry, I don’t think she has .
A. Do; it B. Does; one C. Do; one D. Does; it
5. He goes to school by bus, but he walks after school.
A. to home B. home C. his home D. the home
6. ---_____you like to music?
---Yes, I do.
A. Do; listen B. Are; listen C. Do; listening D. Are; listening
7. He Beijing now.
A. don’t live in B. doesn’t live in C. don’t lives in D. doesn’t lives in
8. I have CDs at home.
A. much B. a lot C. a lot of D. lot of
9. Mr. Green a son, but he a daughter.
A. have; don’t have B. has; doesn’t have
C. has; don’t have D. have; doesn’t have
10. ---Who your English teacher?
---Mary .
A. does; does B. is; is C. does; is D. is; does
11. --- ______ the boys enjoy _______TV?
---Yes, they_______.
A. Does, watching, does B. Do, watch, do C. Do, watching, do D. Does, watch, does
12. He says “_______” to his parents before he goes to school.
A. Good evening B. Goodbye C. Going to bed D. Good night
13. ---Your volleyball is very nice. ---_____________.
A. Thank you B. Not at all. C. It doesn’t matter D. No.
14. ---Do you have a pencil? --- _________.
A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I am not. D. No, I do.
15. The boy has poor eyesight(视力). He_____________ a pair of glasses.
A. with B. has C. wears D. in
Ⅱ. 完型填空(10分)
1 is Sunday today. Jim and his father 2 at home. They are moving to a new house. His father wants to 3 the books in some boxes, but he can’t find 4 empty (空的) boxes. Jim tells him the boxes are in the next room. Then he brings 5 to his father. They put the books in the boxes. The boxes are 6 now. They carry (搬运) them out. There are no boxes for Jim’s toys. So he puts his toys 7 some bags. The bags of toys are very heavy (重的). He 8 carry them. He asks his 9 for help. His father takes the big bags and he takes the 10 ones.
( )1. A. It B. This C. That D. They
( )2. A. am B. is C. are D. be
( )3. A. borrow B. take C. put D. buy
( )4. A. no B. not C. some D. any
( )5. A. they B. it C. them D. their
( )6. A. light (轻的) B. empty C. old D. full (满的)
( )7. A. in B. on C. under D. behind
( )8. A. must B. needn’t C. can’t D. can
( )9. A. mother B. father C. brother D. sister
( )10. A. big B. small C. new D. old
Ⅲ. 阅读理解(30分)
It is lst October. It is Tom"s birthday. He sees a card on the table when he comes back home. It says, ‘There"s a present for you, Tom. Look for it in your room.’ His parents are watching him and smiling(微笑). On his bed he sees a new red box. He thinks, ‘My present must be in it. He opens it. There is nothing(没什么) but a card in it. He takes it out and reads, "Dear Tom, I"m your present. My first letter is in the word "pear", but not in "bear". My second letter is in "tell", but not in "tall", and you can find my last letter in both "ban" and "ink". What am I?" Tom thinks it over. P-E-N! He smiles and says, "Aha, I know, Mum. But where is it?" His mother tells him it is in his school bag. He finds his present-a nice new pen!
" Happy birthday, Tom!" his parents say.
Thank you, Mum and Dad! ’
( ) 1. Tom"s birthday is ________.
A. in October B. on October C. at October D. of October
( ) 2. Tom sees a card ________.
A. on the table B. in his bed
C. in his bedroom D. in his school bag
( ) 3. The card in the red box tells him ________.
A. what his present is B. where his present is
C. who gives him a present D. how his present is
( ) 4. Where is the birthday present?
. A. On the table B. In the school bag.
C. On the card. D. On the bee
( ) 5. Tom"s present is ________.
A. a letter B. three letters C. a card D. a nice new pen
How do most students spend their free time? Do they have time to do the things they like? Let"s see what some students do during their free time. Ben is eleven. He has a sister, Kate. Both of them like going to the cinema. Every Sunday morning, they go to the town by train and then they go to the cinema because they live in the country(乡下) and there is no cinema there. They arrive in the town at noon. They usually have a big lunch in their favourite restaurant first, and then they buy some food in the supermarket before they go to their favourite cinema called Star Cinema. They like it because the seats there are comfortable and the films shown in the cinema are always the newest. They always have a good time on Sundays, but when the weather is bad or they are busy with their homework, they can"t go.
( ) 6. Ben and Kate always spend their Sundays ________.
A. watching TV B. going shopping
C. doing homework D. going to the cinema
( ) 7. They go to see a film ________.
A. at home B. by bus C. on foot D. by train
( ) 8. They go to the town to see a film because ________.
A. they like the cinema there B. there is no cinema in the country
C. they don"t know other cinemas D. they want to go shopping in the town
( ) 9. When they are in the town, they ________ first.
A. go to the cinema B. buy food
C. have lunch D. play in the street
( ) 10. They can"t go to the cinema when ________.
A. it is fine B. they want to watch TV
C. they have little homework D. the weather is bad or they get too much homework
On Sundays I don’t go to school. I go and play games in the park with my friends. I get up very late at about nine o’clock. I eat my breakfast at about nine thirty. At ten o’clock we meet at the gate of the park. We have a good time there . We sometimes fly kites. Sometimes we play football. We come back home at about twelve. Then I have my lunch. In the afternoon I stay at home and do my homework. In the evening I often watch TV. I go to bed at about nine.
( ) 11. I get up at about nine thirty .
( ) 12. I go to the park and play games after breakfast .
( ) 13. I have my lunch in the park on Sundays.
( ) 14. I often Watch TV in the afternoon.
( ) 15. I go to bed at about nine on Sundays.
IV. 词汇(10分)
A 根据句意,中文,首字母或音标提示补全下列句子。
1. If you are f _ this afternoon, let’s go shopping.
2. He enjoys listening to _______, he wants to be a musician when he grows up.
3. I like table _______(乒乓),I play it every day.
4. I hope my _______/dri:m/ will come true one day.
5. Yaoming and Jacky Chen are my _______ (偶像).
B 用所给词的适当形式填空。
6.Jeff often_______ (play)computer games very well.
7.My brother Tom_______ (have)a very lovely dog.
8.It’s time for us_______ (go)home.
9.I don’t think Jim _______ (look)like his mother.
10.Where_______ (be)his football?Under the table.
V. 句型转换(10分)
1.We don’t know how to have a good time.(改为同义句)
We don’t know how to _______ _______.
2.The film is very interesting.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______the film?
3.The children play games after school.(把主语改为单数)
The_______ _______games after school.
4. Amy usually takes a bus to school.(改为同义句)
Amy usually goes to school_______ _______.
5. My school is near the shop. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ your school?
VI. 书面表达(10分)
Dear Tommy
I spend 8 hours at school. I like some parts of the day and I don"t like others.
I love_____________________________________________________________________
E-mail me soon!
Ⅰ. 单项选择
1. 选C 解析:enjoy+动名词。
2. 选D 解析:in a team 表示加入一个球队。
3. 选B 解析:make friends with 意思是“和某人交朋友”,因为交朋友是两人之间的事,因此要用复数名词friends。
4. 选B 解析:第一个空用does,因为这句话的主语your sister为第三人称单数形式;第二个空用one,此处的one是个代词,用来代替上文中的computer。
5. 选B 解析:walk home,home前不加to。
6. 选C 解析:本句为含有行为动词like的一般疑问句,主语为you助动词用do,又因为like后常跟动名词,因此第二个空要用listening。
7. 选B 解析:本题的主语he是第三人称单数形式,因此其否定句应添加否定助动词doesn’t, 后面的行为动词要还原为动词原形。
8. 选C 解析:CDs是可数名词复数形式,因此应用a lot of,表示“许多的”。
9. 选B 解析:本题主语为第三人称单数形式,因此其肯定句要用has,其否定句要用doesn’t have。
10. 选B 解析:本题考查了be动词的一般现在时态,同时要考虑前后一致,因此都应选is。
11. 选 C。解析:本题考查一般现在时的一般疑问句及其回答。主语为the boys 故助动词用do,同时enjoy后接动词-ing形式 所以选C。
12. 选 B。解析:本题考查语言运用。上学前跟父母再见说“goodbye”。
13. 选 A。 解析:本题考查语言运用。别人夸奖应表示感谢。
14. 选 B。
15. 选C。解析:“戴着眼镜”用动词wear。主语为第三人称所以动词用第三人称单数形式。
Ⅱ. 完型填空
1. 选A。解析:it代指today。
2. 选C。解析:主语为两个人be动词用are。
3. 选C。解析:根据句意需要把书放在盒子里。所以用动词put。
4. 选D。解析:否定句中用any。
5. 选C。解析:代指前面提到的盒子。且位于动词后所以用宾格。
6. 选D。解析:装满书后就满了,所以选full。
7. 选A。解析:与上文结构相同put…in
8. 选C。解析:本句意为“他搬不动”表示不能够用can’t。
9. 选B。解析:根据下文提到的father可知,他向父亲求助。
Ⅲ. 阅读理解
1. 选A。解析:由“It is lst October. It is Tom"s birthday.”可知。在某个月份用介词in。
2. 选A。解析:由“He sees a card on the table when he comes back home.”可知。
3. 选A。解析:盒子里的卡片通过字谜告诉他礼物是什么。
4. 选B。解析:由“His mother tells him it is in his school bag.”可知。
5. 选D。解析:由“He finds his present-a nice new pen!”可知。
6. 选D。解析:由“Both of them like going to the cinema.”可知。
7. 选D。解析:由Every Sunday morning, they go to the town by train and then they go to the cinema”可知。
8. 选B。解析:由“because they live in the country(乡下) and there is no cinema there.”可知。
9. 选C。解析:由“They usually have a big lunch in their favourite restaurant first,”可知。
10. 选D。解析:由“but when the weather is bad or they are busy with their homework, they can"t go.”可知。
11. B 解析:由“I get up very late at about nine o’clock.”可知。
12. A 13. F 解析:文中提到12点回家后吃午饭。
14. B 解析:文中提到电视晚上看的。
15. A
IV. 词汇
A 根据句意,中文,首字母或音标提示补全下列句子。
1. free 2. music 3. tennis 4. dream 5. heroes
B 用所给词的适当形式填空。
6.答案:plays 解析:主语Jeff是第三人称单数,后接动词第三人称单数形式。
7.答案:has 解析:Tom 是第三人称单数,动词应用单数形式。
8.答案:to go 解析:表示“到了某人该做某事的时间了”用短语It’s time for sb.to do sth.。
9.答案:looks 解析:Jim 是第三人称单数,动词应用单数形式。
10.答案:is 解析:主语his football是第三人称单数,谓语动词用be的单数形式is。
V. 句型转换
1.答案:have fun 解析:have a good time意思是“玩得愉快”,其同义词组是have fun或enjoy oneself,因此本题还可以填enjoy ourselves。
2.答案:How is 解析:画线提问“怎么样……?” 时通常用疑问词how。
3.答案:child plays解析:children单数为child,改为单数后动词相应改为第三人称单数形式。
4.答案:by bus 解析:by+交通工具,可表示“乘坐;骑”。
5.答案:Where is解析:对地点提问用疑问词where。
第五篇: 七年级英语上册第一单元测试卷
①良好的校风能提升智慧、塑造性格②中学时代是爱因斯坦生命历程中的重要支点③我们只要经历了中学时代就能取得成功 ④爱因斯坦本人比较聪明,不经历中学时代也必然能成功
A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C. ①② D.①③
A.只靠运气就行 B.只要制订人生规划就行
C.只要有热情就行 D.要靠脚踏实地的努力
A.我们可以辍学在家学习 B.我们要学会处理人际关系
C.我们要养成良好的学习习惯 D.学习不仅仅局限在学校
A.学习习惯的重要性 B.终身学习的必要性
C.树立学习目标的重要性 D.学习方法的重要性
A. ①② B. ①③ C. ③④ D. ②④
A.端正自己的学习态度 B.培养良好的学习习惯
C.珍惜时间,努力学习 D.掌握适合自己的学习方法
A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C. ①③④ D.①②③④
A.学好功课 B.学会与人相处、分辨对错
C.学会吸烟饮酒、出手阔绰 D.学会自律、学会展现自己
A.取决于是否有良好的外部环境 B.需要坚持不懈地努力
C.只需要有热情就行 D.主要依靠制订完美的人生规划
13.“要想了解自己,最好问别人。”这句话启示我们要通过 认识自己。
A我们可以通过倾听他人的评价来认识自己 B.要全面采纳他人的建议
C.正确认识自己,有利于促进与他人的交往 D.要在接受挑战中展示自己、发展自己
A.子萱:阳光灿烂,积极进取 B.佳琪:学会学习,包容他人
C.天佑:坚持己见,特立独行 D.一鸣:意志坚强,勇于探索
17.《论语》中“吾日三省吾身”的训诫启示我们可以通过 来正确认识自己。
A.读史书 B.照镜子 C.自我评价 D.倾听他人的评价过
A.是妄自尊大的表现,不利于全面认识自己 B.只看到自己的优点,看不到自己的缺点
C.是充满自信,欣赏自己、积极接纳自己的表现 D.是努力改正自己的缺点的表现
A. ②③ B. ①② C. ③④ D.①②③
23.一个渔夫从海里得到一颗大珍珠,他欣喜若狂。可拿到家里一看, 他发现珍珠上有一个小黑点。这让渔夫觉得很不舒服,他想,如果能将这个小黑点去掉,珍珠将变得完美无缺,成为无价之宝。渔夫便开始试图去掉黑点,可剥掉一层,黑点仍在,再剥掉一层,黑点还在,剥到最后,黑点没了,珍珠也不复存在了。
(1)这个小故事警示我们在生活中应如何对待自己? (4分)
(2)我们应该怎样做更好的自己? (6分)
(1)少年岳飞的梦想是什么? (3分)
第六篇: 七年级英语上册第一单元测试卷
7A UNIT8 单元测试题
I. 听录音, 选出你所听到的句子。句子念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)
( ) 1. A. I often do morning exercises once a day.
B. I always do morning exercises once a week.
C. I usually do morning exercises once a day.
( ) 2. A. We should try to protect the Earth.
B. We should try our best to save the Earth.
C. We should try our best to protect the Earth.
( ) 3. A. Autumn is the best time to visit Shenzhen.
B. Autumn is the best season to visit Shenzhen.
C. Spring is the best season to visit Shenzhen.
( ) 4. A. I like to go to Beijing by plane.
B. I would like to go to Shenzhen by train.
C. I would like to go to Beijing by plane.
( ) 5. A. He gets up early so that he can go to the party.
B. He gets up early so that he can watch the basketball match.
C. He gets up early so that he can watch the football match.
II. 听句子, 根据所听内容选择最佳应答语。句子念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)
( ) 6. A. I think so. B. I agree with you. C. I’d like to.
( ) 7. A. Three times. B. The first day. C. Once a week.
( ) 8. A. It’s hot. B. It’s funny. C. It’s busy.
( ) 9. A. It’s ten o’clock. B. Fifteen kilometers. C. About ten days.
( ) 10.A. It’s very nice. B. I bought it last week .C. You like it very much.
III. 听对话, 根据对话内容选择最佳答案。对话念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)
( ) 11. What does the boy have to do now?
A. Do the housework. B. Do his homework. C. Go for a walk.
( ) 12. How did the girl go to the park last week?
A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot.
( ) 13. Where is the girl going?
A. To Guangzhou. B. To Shenzhen. C. To Shanghai.
( ) 14. What color is the man’s purse?
A. Brown. B. Black. C. Blue.
( ) 15. Why does Joy go to the gym?
A. Because he likes doing sports.
B. Because he likes watching others doing sports.
C. Because he works there.
( )16.magazine
A. /mə"gəzi:n/ B. /mæ"gəzi:n/ C. /mæ"gəzin/
( )17.something
A./"SΛmðIŋ / B. / "Sa:mθIŋ / C. / "SΛmθIŋ /
( )1 8. really
A./ "ri:li/ B./ "rIəli/ C./ "rIəli:/
( ) 19. grandson
A. / "grænsΛn/ B. / "gra:nsΛn/ C. / "grəndsΛn/
( ) 20. everywhere
A. / "evriwiə(r)/ B. /"əvriweə(r)/ C. /"evriwea(r)/
( ) 21. Her granddaughter is dancing on the grass.
A. daughter B. daughter of her son or daughter
C. cousin D. daughter"s mother
( ) 22. Her hair is over l metre long.
A. more and more B. less C. more than D. about
( ) 23.I will be free this weekend.
A. be happy B. have time C. be busy D. have a chance
( ) 24. There is hardly any food for us in the fridge.
A. even B. Nearly C. quite D. almost not
( ) 25. Reading under the sun is bad for your eyes.
A. is nice to B. is harmful to C. is famous for D. is dangerous to
( ) 26. ---I like collecting postcards.
---It"s a (n) __________hobby. Few people like that.
A. natural B. unusual C. cheerful D. helpful
( ) 27. My car couldn"t work on my way home. I had to find some people to _____it to the 4S store nearby.
A. return B. Touch C. finish D. push
( ) 28. --- It has been raining for many days.
--- I hope the weather will ______change.
A. always B. just C. soon D. never
( ) 29. We sat ________our car to wait until the rain stopped.
A. outside B. Inside C. into D. through
( ) 30. The little girl ______her mother everywhere. Whenever (无论何时) you see her mother, you see her behind.
A. follows B. Gets C. runs D. looks
( ) 31. Don"t make any noise. You should ______ quiet in the library.
A. keeping B. to keep C. kept D. keep
( ) 32. ---There is no _____in my room for the desk. It"s too crowded.
--- OK, I"ll put it in my room then.
A. care B. Space C. rule D. dream
( ) 33.______is in the tree, but I can"t see what it is.
A. Nothing B. Anything C. Something D. Everything
( ) 34. --- Is this book ______? ---No, it"s not mine.
A. yours B. her C. your D. hers
( ) 35. My father is a teacher ______is good at teaching.
A. His B. He C. Him D. It
IV.完形填空。(每小题1分,共1 0分)
Jenny was on the way to the school library. She wanted to return books and___36___some new ones. She likes ___37___so much. When she got to the___38___and opened her bag, she found the ___39___were not in it. She looked for them again, but she ___40___Couldn"t find them. She was a little___41___.She ran back to the___42___ and looked for them in every corner of the classroom. The result was the same. "What can I do? The books are___43___.“She almost began to cry. At that time, she thought of the "Lost and Found Office. She ran there and___44___ The books. She smiled. "Oh, my God I should be___45___next time," she said to herself.
( ) 36. A. take B.bring C. borrow D. watch
( ) 37. A. swimming B. Talking C. reading D. listening
( ) 38. A. living room B. Library C. house D. park
( ) 39. A. books B. Pens C. bags D. diaries
( ) 40. A. greatly B.very C. still D. never
( ) 41. A. worried B. boring C. excited D. happy
( ) 42. A. library B. classroom C. park D. mountain
( ) 43. A. lost B. old C. found D. interesting
( ) 44. A. put B. saw C. heard D. smelled
( ) 45. A. careful B. worrying C. nervous D. free
V.阅读理解(共25 分)
A)阅读下列短文 ,从每小题的四个选项中选出最佳项。(每小题 1分,共 15分)
It was time to make dinner at Joey and Lucy"s house. Lucy"s mum was making dinner. She was cooking chicken, rice, mashed potatoes(土豆泥), and salad for dinner. Lucy helped make the mashed potatoes. Joey put tomatoes in the salad. Both Joey and Lucy helped set the table. When dinner was ready, Lucy called her dad to come to the dinner table to eat. "Dad, dinner"s ready," said Lucy. "Come and eat." Lucy, Joey, Mom, and Dad all sat at the table to eat dinner. Everyone finished all of their dinner except Joey. He didn"t touch his salad. "I don"t like salad," he said. "You should eat it," said Mom. "It"s healthy for you." Then Joey finally ate a few bites of his salad. When dinner was over, Dad and Lucy washed the dishes while Mom and Joey relaxed (放松) in the living room.
( ) 46. The story happened ______.
A. at Joey and Lucy"s school B. in the restaurant
C. in the park D. at Joey and Lucy"s house
( ) 47. What did Joey and Lucy do together?
A. Made the mashed potatoes. B. Put tomatoes in the salad.
C. Called their Dad. D. Set the table.
( ) 48. How many people ate dinner together?
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
( ) 49. What does the underlined word "except" mean in Chinese?
A. 除……之外 B. 和……一起 C. 在……外面 D. 与……相处
( ) 50. What"s the best title for the passage?
A. A dinner. B. Lucy"s parents. C. Healthy food. D. Help your parents.
About A Collector
I"m Steve Salcedo. I am an 11-year-old boy and I live in America. You can see me in the photo. I took it in 1984 when I got some bulletin board signs(公告栏标志). Two years later, I started collecting signs.
The Site Overview(网站概述)
I built this site to show my street sign and traffic light collection. In the past, I took photos of my signs and put them in a photo album (相簿) to share with friends and family; after I had 200 signs and 200 photos, I put my collection on the website.
I also hope that this site is helpful to other collectors, or to visitors who just want to learn more about street signs and traffic lights.
( ) 51. How old is Steve Salcedo?
A. 11 B.10 C. 9 D. 8
( ) 52. Why did Steve Salcedo build this site?
A. To make others know him. B. To show his collection.
C. To help others to collect traffic lights. D. To sell his collection.
( ) 53. What did Steve Salcedo do after he had 200 signs and 200 photos?
A. Put them into a photo album. B. Asked his friends for help.
C. Put them on the website. D. Sold some of them to other collectors.
( ) 54. Steve Salcedo hopes the website is helpful to________.
A. other collectors B. visitors who just want to travel
C. other students D. visitors who know a lot about collection
( ) 55. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Steve Salcedo lives in America.
B. Steve Salcedo got some bulletin board signs.
C. Steve Salcedo started collecting signs in 1984.
D. Steve Salcedo shared the photo album with friends and family.
Rose had nine children They wanted cookies. She decided to bake (烤) some cookies for all those children. They were too noisy and maybe cookies would keep them quiet. She looked for her cooking book everywhere. But she couldn"t find it. She thought she might remember the steps of making cookies. She took 8 cups of flour, 5 cups of sugar and broke 7 eggs. She mixed them all together in a bowl and made round cookies. The oven(烤箱 ) was turned to 450 degrees. The children were running .around everywhere, waiting for the cookies to get ready. The cookies began to smell. Rose heard strange noises coming from the oven. ZZZZZrppppppp! Pop! Bing! ZZZZZrppppppp! The oven door opened and the cookies "splashed (飞溅) onto the ceiling (天花板),onto the floor and onto Rose. It was a big mess! Rose used the wrong ingredients (成分) for the cookies!
( ) 56. Why did Rose decide to bake cookies?
A. She loved cookies and wanted to eat them.
B. She wanted her children to keep quiet.
C. She was going to sell them at the school.
D. She wanted to have a cookie party and invite all her friends.
( ) 57. What were the nine children doing while Rose was baking cookies?
A. Sleeping. B. Eating. .C. Running around. D. Coloring pictures.
( ) 58. Where were the strange noises coming from?
A. The children . B. The neighbor. C. The oven. D. The bowl.
( ) 59. What happened when the oven door opened?
A. The cookies were ready to eat.
B. The cookies were good and the children loved them.
C. The cookies were burned and they threw them away.
D. The cookies splashed everywhere
( ) 60. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. Rose baked cookies. B. Rose"s children.
C. Rose was good at cooking. D. Rose and her children.
Space travel is nothing new. The first spacecraft with a human was sent up(被发送) into space in 1961. After that, people not only travel to space, but many of them also live there in space stations for some time.
The Soviet Union(前苏联) made the first space station in 1971. It named it “Salyut I”. Salyut I is a place where people can live when they are in space. The first group of astronauts lived there for 23 days. Then the Soviet Union made more Salyut space stations. Astronauts often lived in these space stations for a short time. After the Soviet Union sent the Mir space station during the late 1980s, people began to live in space for a longer time. Mir stayed in space from 1989 to 2001.
Living in space stations seems to be fun, but astronauts face many problems. One of them is food. All the meals in space stations are put together on Earth and sent there by space shuttles
(航天飞机). The space station does not have a fridge, but it has a cool room to keep fruit and vegetables fresh.
( ) 61. When was the first spacecraft with a human sent up into space?
A. In the 1950s. B. In the 1960s. C. In the 1970s. D. In the 1980s.
( ) 62. What does the underlined word “It” refer to (指代)?
A. The Soviet Union. B. The first space station.
C. The first spacecraft. D. Space travel.
( ) 63. How long did Mir stay in space?
A. For 13 years. B. For 10 years. C. For l year. D. For 23 days.
( ) 64. What can we infer(推断)from the passage?
A. Astronauts can never eat fresh food when they live in space stations.
B. The Soviet Union sent many space stations m space.
C. Astronauts could live in the space station for no more than three weeks.
D. Space travel has quite a long history of more than 60 years.
( ) 65. Where may we find the passage?
A. In a magazine. B. In a-cookbook. C. In a dictionary. D. In a storybook.
66. There is an old doorbell ________ Mr Brown"s front door.
67. Many boys are interested _______collecting toy cars.
68. My favorite stamp is this one _______ Eiffel Tower on it.
69. Helen likes traveling. She knows much _______the world.
70. We can get a lot of information________ our collections.
71.He read the book _________ (careful) last night.
72. He is a ___________ (wonder) teacher.
73.We should try our best (protect) the Earth..
74. I will do _______ (I) homework.
75.. John wants to make a snowman outside _______ (he) house.
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