Analysis on the Problems and Countermeasures of Internal Control of High Technology Expertise —— Take Shuobeide As an Example.
Since five ministries and commissions, such as Ministry of Finance, Securities Regulatory Commission and so on, have forced the listed companies to self-evaluate the effectiveness of their internal control and disclose the report, the internal control of enterprises has become a hot spot for scholars to pay attention to. The risk control of High Technology Expertise is difficult. Compared with other enterprises, it is easier to produce internal control system problems and reduce the efficiency of company management. Internal control problems may become one of the important reasons that hinder the development of the company. The development of China"s economy cannot be separated from optimizing the adjustment of industrial structure, realizing innovation and upgrading. As the main driving force of China"s economic development, the innovation, transformation and upgrading of High Technology Expertise are crucial to the development of science and technology companies. Therefore, studying the internal control of High Technology Expertise is helpful to provide reference and suggestions for the same type of enterprises. It can also reduce the enterprise risk caused by the internal control system. The establishment of a good internal control system can ensure the healthy development of enterprises. Therefore, this paper selects High Technology Expertise as a case study, aiming at High Technology Expertise as a new industry in recent years. For High Technology Expertise, it is necessary to establish a strong internal control system in order to identify and eliminate the problems existing in the internal control in time. The purpose is to make the internal control run effectively, which is beneficial to the normative development of the enterprise. In view of the particularity of High Technology Expertise, High Technology Expertise are characterized by relatively high risk, relatively high value of human capital, high speed of product renewal and high cost of scientific and technological research and development. This article takes "Huizhou Shubeid Wireless Technology Co., Ltd." as the research object in the High Technology Expertise, mainly lies in that the "Shubeid" company, as a listed high-tech enterprise in our country, is representative to a certain extent. By consulting the relevant literature and analyzing the internal control system of Shubeid Company, this paper combines theory with practice. The main purpose of the research is to avoid risks and ensure the healthy development of High Technology Expertise. At the same time, the author finds out the problems existing in the internal control of Shubeid Company at present, puts forward relevant suggestions, improves its internal control system, and makes certain reference for the company to formulate effective internal control standards. Based on the theoretical analysis and the combination of practical cases, through the official website investigation to obtain the relevant information, to ensure that the data are true, which provides an effective theoretical basis for this paper. On the basis of the research conclusion, this paper puts forward some suggestions to solve the problems of internal control system in Huizhou Shubeid Wireless Technology Co., Ltd. The purpose of this paper is to make enterprises establish a perfect internal control system, which has certain reference significance to the internal control of High Technology Expertise, and also provides reference for the internal control of other industries. It is helpful to promote the smooth progress of the internal control construction of enterprises in our country. Key words:
Internal control,
High Technology Expertise ,
Problems and countermeasures
一、绪论 .......................................................... 1 (一)研究背景 ................................................. 1 (二)研究目的及意义 ........................................... 2
(三)研究方法及内容 ........................................... 2 (四)国内外研究动态 ........................................... 5 二、相关理论 ...................................................... 7 (一)基本概念 ................................................. 7 (二)高新技术企业内部控制的特点 ............................... 7 三、我国高新技术企业内部控制的主要问题 ............................. 8 (一)资金使用随意,审批流程不规范 ............................. 8 (二)内部控制环境的弱化,制约了企业的发展 ..................... 8 (三)内部控制认识不全面,人力资源分配不合理 ................... 9 四、高新技术企业内部控制问题研究—以硕贝德企业为例 ................. 9 (一)公司概况 ................................................. 9 (二)硕贝德内部控制现状 ...................................... 10 (三)
硕贝德内部控制存在的问题 ............................... 11 (四)硕贝德内部控制主要问题的成因 ............................ 13 五、完善高新技术企业内部控制体系的主要对策——以硕贝德企业为例 .... 14 (一)完善内部控制环境 ........................................ 14 (二)构建内部监督体系 ........................................ 14 (三)建立可操作性的内部控制体系 .............................. 14 (四)提高全员内控制度的执行意识 .............................. 15 结 论 ............................................................ 16 参考文献 ......................................................... 17
1 一、绪论
2018 年 7 月,江西万年青水泥股份有限公司发布《关于公司财务部原部长肖福明挪用资金、骗取票据承兑案进展公告》。在公告中具体内容如下:肖福明在担任万年青公司副总会计师、财务部部长期间,私自挪用公司银行承兑汇票、提供虚假材料证明。法院判定其行为已构成职务犯罪,给予肖福明重大处罚。据资料显示,万年青公司在 2012 年就根据国家出台的政策完成了其内部控制体系的建设工作,在 2012 年-2015 年三年内,公司的内部控制自我评价与内部控制审计结论均为有效。说明在这三年,公司的内部控制执行情况较为乐观。于2017 年初时,其内部控制结论产生了变化,于 2017 年 4 月份发布的关于 2016 年万年青年度内部控制运行的自我评价与审计报告均被出示无效报告。由此可见,在 2016 年时,公司存在重大的内控控制问题,从而影响到企业的经营。
2 (二)研究目的及意义
1. 研究目的
2. 研究意义
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