答案,拼音为dá àn,汉语词语,指对有关问题所作的解答, 以下是为大家整理的关于易班入学考试答案20204篇 , 供大家参考选择。
单位: 系 级 班 姓名:
1.中国共产党的宗旨是 。
2.邓小平理论的精髓是 。
3.党的最高理想和最终目标是 。
4.社会主义的根本任务是 。
5.我国解决民族问题的基本制度是 。
6. 是我们党执政兴国的第一要务。
7.申请入党的人,要填写 。
8.四项基本原则是: 、 、 、 。
9.民主集中制是的 集中和 的民主相结合。
10.党章规定,必须充分发扬 ,发挥各级党组织和广大党员的积极性,创造性。
11.申请入党的人要有两名正是党员作 。
12.党员必须面向党旗进行 。
13.国共产党员的根本组织原则是 。
14.我国的国家性质是 的社会主义国家,政权组织形式是 制度
15.和正式党员相比预备党员没有 权、 权、 权。
16.党章规定,发展党员必须经过 ,坚持 的原则。
1.改革开放以来我们取得一切成绩和进步的根本原因是( )
A.坚持了一个中心,两个基本点 B.开辟了中国特色社会主义道路
C.形成了中国特色社会主义理论体系 D.建设了社会主义市场经济体制
2.始终做到“三个代表”,是我党的( )
A.治国之策 B.立党之本 C.执政之基 D.力量之源
3.预备党员的权力,除了没有( )以外,同志是党员一样。
A.表决权 B.选举权 C.被选举权 D.发表意见权
4.十六大以来,党中央坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,根据新的发展要求,集中全党智慧,提出了( )的科学发展观。
A.以经济建设为中心 B.以人为本 C.全面协调统筹持续发展 D.全面协调可持续发展
5.在( )五项原则的基础上,发展我国同世界各国的关系。
A.互相尊重主权和领土完整 B.互不干涉内政 C。互不侵犯 D.平等互利
6.发展党员,必须经过( ),坚持( )的原则。
A.党的支部 B.党员代表大会 C.个别吸收 D.全面考察
7.入党介绍人要认真了解申请人的思想、品质、经历和工作表现,向他解释( )和( ),说明( ),并向党组织做出负责的报告。
A.党的章程 B.党的纲领 C.党员的条件 D,义务和权力
8.预备党团员的预备期,从( )之日算起。预备党员的预备期为( )。
A.支部将其列为考察对象 B.支部大会通过他为预备党员 C.一年 D.六个月
9.党员的党龄,从( )之日算起。
A.预备期满转为正式党员 B.支部大会通通过他为预备党员
10.党的基层组织要对党员进行( )、( )、( )和( ),提高党员素质,增强党性。
A.监督 B.服务 C.教育 D.管理
11.党在自己的政治生活中正确地开展( ),在原则问题上进行( ),坚持真理,修正错误。
A.批评和自我批评 B.民主生活会 C.思想斗争 D..集体讨论
12.党组织讨论决定问题,必须执行( )的原则。
A.集体领导 B.个人分工负责 C.少数服从多数 D.民主集中
1. 下列「」中的字,讀音不同的選項是:
2. 下列文句「」中的字詞,意義相同的選項是:
3. 下列書信用語,敘述正確的選項是:
(C)書信結尾的問候語,「敬請 金安」多用於商界
4. 古人名與字往往有意義上的聯繫,或相關,如孟軻字子輿;或相反,如韓愈字退之。依此推論,則班固、許慎、王弼、朱熹四人的字依序應是:
5. 詩人描寫事物時,往往兼顧視覺與聽覺,以達成「有聲有色」的效果。如王維〈山居秋暝〉:「明月松間照,清泉石上流。竹喧歸浣女,蓮動下漁舟。」便是藉由「視覺—聽覺、聽覺—視覺」的交錯書寫,以營造意境。下列寫法完全相同的選項是:
6. 下列是一段古文,請依文意選出排列順序最恰當的選項:
(A)甲乙戊丙丁 (B)丁甲戊乙丙
(C)戊丁乙甲丙 (D)丁甲丙乙戊
7. 閱讀下文,選出不正確的選項:
8. 以下為同一系列的三首小詩:
(A)偶然的遭遇 (B)淒涼的晚景 (C)孤獨的時刻 (D)虛擲的光陰
9. 白先勇在他的小說《臺北人》一書中,寫出了當年隨政府自大陸來臺定居人物的生活和心情。這些人多半擁有光輝耀眼的過去,以及難忘難捨的記憶,與平淡平凡的現況對照,「昔盛今衰、繁華不再」的感受特別強烈。依此特點,如要選擇一段詩詞做為該書的注腳,最適合的選項是:
(C)林花謝了春紅,太匆匆,無奈朝來寒雨晚來風。 胭脂淚,相留醉,幾時重,自是人生長恨水長東
(D)一向年光有限身,等閒離別易銷魂,酒筵歌席莫辭頻。 滿目山河空念遠,落花風雨更傷春,不如憐取眼前人
乙、邑人某,佻達無賴,偶游村外,見少婦乘馬來,謂同游者曰:「我能令其一笑。」眾未深信,約賭作筵。某遽奔去,出馬前,連聲譁曰:「我要死!……」因於牆頭抽粱 (粱 :高粱莖)一本,橫尺許,解帶挂其上,引頸作縊狀。婦果過而哂之,眾亦粲然。婦去既遠,某猶不動,眾益笑之。近視,則舌出目瞑,而氣真絕矣。粱本自經,豈不奇哉!是可以為儇薄之戒。(蒲松齡《聊齋誌異・戲縊》)
10. 最能凸顯以上二段引文描寫上共同特色的選項是:
(A)人物 (B)對話 (C)情節 (D)場景
11. 關於以上二段引文的敘述,正確的選項是:
(A)甲段主旨在彰顯人性溫暖 (B)甲段充分展現反諷性效果
(C)乙段主旨在強調應信守承諾 (D)乙段由悲而喜暗喻人生無常
12. 依據引文,符合作者觀點的選項是:
13. 依據引文,作者認為臺灣河流面臨的災難是:
14. 本文認為「極短篇」最重要的特色是:
15. 依據文意,下列敘述何者正確?
16. 下列文句,完全沒有錯別字的選項是:
17. 下列文句「」中的數字,表示「幾分之幾」意思的選項是:
18. 下列「」內語詞,使用正確的選項是:
19. 儒家思想,一脈相傳。下列前後文句意義相近的選項是:
20. 下列有關經書的敘述,正確的選項是:
(C) 三禮指《周禮》、《儀禮》、《禮記》,其中《周禮》又稱《周官》
21. 閱讀下文後,選出正確的選項:
22. 閱讀下文後,選出正確的選項:
23. 下列詠史詩所歌詠的歷史人物,每一選項前後相同的是:
(一) 作者指出木商、植物學家和畫家「知覺」同一棵古松有三種不同的反應態度,這三種態度各有優劣嗎?以你對本段引文的理解,請加以闡述說明。
(二) 閱讀了作者這一段文字後,依據它的意旨,請你重新給它訂個題目,並簡要說明你的理由。
(一) 客所以有「而今安在哉」的感歎,是因何而起?
(二) 「寄蜉蝣於天地,渺滄海之一粟」所提示的人生問題是什麼?
(三) 客云:「知不可乎驟得,託遺響於悲風。」請解釋他對於問題(二)要如何解決?
小升初入学考试数学试卷班级 ______姓名 ______得分 ______ 一、选择题: (每小题 4 分,共 16 分)1、在比例尺是 1: 4000000 的地图上, 量得 A、B两港距离为 9 厘米,一艘货轮于上午 6 时以每小时 24 千米的速度从 A 开向 B 港,到达 B港的时间是( )。 A、15 点 B 、17 点 C 、19 点 D 、21 点2、将一根木棒锯成 4 段需要 6 分钟,则将这根木棒锯成 7 段需要( )分钟。 A、10 B 、12 C 、14 D 、16 3、一个车间改革后,人员减少了 20%,产量比原来增加了 20%,则工作效率( )。 A、提高了 50% B 、提高 40% C 、提高了 30% D 、与原来一样4、A、B、C、D四人一起完成一件工作, D做了一天就因病请假了, A结果做了 6 天, B 做了 5 天, C做了 4 天, D作为休息的代价,拿出48 元给 A、B、C三人作为报酬,若按天数计算劳务费,则这 48 元中A就分( )元。 A、18 B 、19.2 C 、20 D 、32 二、填空题: (每小题 4 分,共 32 分)1、学校开展植树活动, 成活了 100 棵,25 棵没活,则成活率是( )。 编辑: 微信公众平台: 学无涯 Free2、甲乙两桶油重量差为 9 千克,甲桶油重量的 1/5 等于乙桶油重量的 1/2 ,则乙桶油重( ) 千克。 3、两个自然数的差是 5,它们的最小公倍数与最大公约数的差是 203,则这两个数的和是( )。 4、一个圆锥与一个圆柱的底面积相等,已知圆锥与圆柱的体积比是1: 6,圆锥的高是 4.8 厘米,则圆柱的高是( )厘米。 5、如图,电车从 A 站经过 B站到达 C站,然后返回。 去时 B站停车,而返回时不停,去时的车速为每小时 48 千米,返回时的车速是每小时( )千米。 6、扑克牌游戏,小明背对小亮,让小亮按下列四个步骤操作: 第一步, 分发左中右三堆牌, 每堆牌不少于两张, 且各堆牌的张数相同;第二步,从左边一堆拿出两张,放入中间一堆;第三步,从右边一堆拿出一张,放入中间一堆;第四步,左边一堆有几张牌,就从中间一堆拿几张牌放入左边一堆。 这时小明准确说出了中间一堆牌现有的张数, 你认为中间一堆牌现有的张数是( )。 7、 前 30 个数的和为( )。 编辑: 微信公众平台: 学无涯 Free8、如图已知直角三角形的面积是 12 平方厘米, 则阴影部分的面积是( )。 三、计算: (每小题 5 分,共 10 分)四、列式计算: (4 分)10.2 减去 2.5 的差除以 20%与 2 的积,商是多少?五、应用题: (共 38 分)1、已知相邻两根电线杆之间的距离是 35 米,从小洪家到学校门口有36 根电线杆,再往前 595 米,共有多少根电线杆?( 6 分)2、工程队用 3 天修完一段路,第一天修的是第二天的 9/10 ,第三天修的是第二天的 6/5 倍,已知第三天比第一天多修 270 米,这段路长多少米?( 6 分)编辑: 微信公众平台: 学无涯 Free3、运动员在公路上进行骑摩托车训练,速度为 90 千米, 出发时有一辆公共汽车和摩托车同时出发并同向行驶。 公共汽车的行驶速度 60千米,摩托车跑完 80 千米掉头返回,途中和公共汽车相遇,这次相遇是在出发后多长时间?4、某商店到苹果产地收购了 2 吨苹果,收购价为每千克 1.20 元,从产地到商店的距离是 400 千米,运费为每吨货物每运 1 千米收 1.50元,如果在运输及销售过程中的损耗为 10%,那么商店要实现的 15%的利润率,零售价就是每千克多少元?5、同学在 A、B两家超市发现他看中的随身听的单价相同,书包单价也相同, 随身听和书包单价之和是 452 元,且随身听的单价比书包单价的 4 倍少 8 元。 某天该同学上街, 恰好赶上商家促销, 超市 A 所有的商品打八折销售,超市 B全场购物满 100 元返 30 元购物券(不足100 不返券, 购物券全场通用) ,但他只带了 400 元钱,若两家都可以选择,在哪一家购买较省钱?为什么?编辑: 微信公众平台: 学无涯 Free2019年小学六年级毕业模拟试卷数学试卷题 号 一 二 三 四 五 总 分得 分考生须知: 1、全卷满分 120 分,考试时间 70 分钟,试卷共 6 页,可以使用计算器。 2、答题前,请用钢笔或用圆珠笔在试卷的密封区填上学校、姓名等,不要遗漏。 3、答题时,要用钢笔或用圆珠笔作答,选择题的答案要填写在试卷的选择答题栏上。 4、温馨提示: 请仔细审题,细心答题,相信你一定会有出色表现!一、相信你的能力 ! 请你耐心填一填。 ( 本题共 26 分,每小题 2 分) 1、在○里填上< 、>、或=。 999○1001 41○61 6.53 ○6.530 2 米○ 18 分米2、2.125 精确到百分位约是 ( ),把 0.59 万改写成以一为单位的数, 写作( )。 3、85 = ( ) 8 = 10 : ( )= ( )% = ( )小数4、把下面的各数按要求填在适当的圈里。 52 201 3007 235 1688 694 732 4335 能被 2 整除的数 奇数5、2.4 元= ( )元( )角 5 千克 230 克=( )千克6、73的分数单位是( ),它有( )个这样的单位。 7、( )吨的92是 12 吨, 50 米的 20%是( )米。 8、一个平行四边形的高是 15 分米,底比高少31,这个平行四边形的面积是( )平方分米。 9、前进小学六年级有 200 个学生,其中有 120 个女生,男生与女生的人数的最简整数比是( ),比值是( )。 10、上海到北京的距离大约是 900 千米。 在一幅中国地图上, 量得上海到北京的图上距离是密封线内不得答题学校班级姓名考号编辑: 微信公众平台: 学无涯 Free15 厘米,那么这幅地图的比例尺是( )。 11、自 2006 年 1 月 1 日起个人所得税标准由 800 元改为 1600 元,即工资超过 1600 元的那部分按 20%缴纳税金。 李老师每月工资是 1800 元,那么李老师每月应缴纳税金 ( )元。 12、如右图所示,把底面直径 8 厘米的圆柱切成若干等分,拼成一个近似的长方体。 这个长方体的表面积比原来增加 80 平方厘米, 那么长方体的体积是 ( )立方厘米。 13、甲用 1000 元人民币购买了一手股票,随即他将这手股票转卖给了乙,获利 10%,而后来乙又将这手股票转给了甲,但乙损失了 10%,最后甲按乙卖给甲的价格的 90%将这手股票卖给了乙。 甲在上述股票交易中( )[选填盈利或亏本 ]( )元。 二、惊慕你的判断 请你判一判 。 你认为对的,请在每小题的后面括号里打上,错的打上。 (本题共 5 分,每小题 1 分) 14、自然数都有它的倒数。 ( )15、大象会在天上飞是可能的。 ( )16、工作效率一定,工作总量和工作时间成正比例。 ( )17、分数的分子和分母同时乘上或者除以相同的数,分数的大小不变。 ( )18、等腰三角形的至少有两条边相等。 ( )三、请你精心选一选。 要求把正确的答案的代号填在下面的表格里。 (本题共 5分,每小题 1 分) 题 号 19 20 21 22 23 答案代号19、右图的交通标志中,轴对称图形有( ※ )。 ( A) 4 个 ( B)3 个 (C)2 个 (D)1 个20、53615 = 53 561这里应用了( ※ )。 ( A)乘法分配律 (B) 乘法结合律 (C) 乘法交换律 (D) 乘法的性质21、把 2 分米长的线段,平均分成 5 份,每份是( ※ )。 ( A)51(B)52(C)51分米 (D)52分米22、已知 m[m(m + n)+n]+n = 1,则 m+n 的值是( ※ )。 编辑: 微信公众平台: 学无涯 Free(A)0 (B) 21 (C) 1 (D) 223、某商店先进货 7 辆自行车,平均每辆自行车a 元,后来又进货5 辆自行车,平均每辆自行车 b 元,后来商店以每辆2b a的价格把自行车全部卖掉了,结果发现赔了钱,赔钱的原因是( ※ )。 (A)b a( B)b a(C)b a(D)与 a 、 b 的大小无关四、坚信你的运算本领请你细心算一算。 24、直接写出下面各题的得数。 (本题共 6分,每小题 0.3 分)
15+8= 0.5 +0.4= 4 -0.9= 97-92=
6176= 4 0.8= 0 94= 2413= 1 -43=
0.45 1000 = 9 51= 8.7 -7=
786 -298= 3.14 8= 5221= 54+54= 1001%=
250.7 4= 2-23= (83-0.375) 5=
25、用递等式计算。 ( 本题共 12 分,每小题 3 分)
① 2.3 1.5 +4.5 0.75
②61+7273③(1 +31) (1-31)
26、用用简便方法计算, 要求写出简算的主要过程。(本题共 12 分,每小题 3 分)
28、② 0.7 +3.8 +4.2 +9.3
27、求求知数 X。( 本题共 6 分,每小题 3 分) ①2.5 : 5 = 21: X ②21-2X = 4128、
文字题。 ( 本题共 8 分,每小题 4 分)
①1.65 除以 5 的商,加上 16 与 8 的积,和是多少?(列综合算术式解)
②一个数的 0.5 倍是 2.5,求这个数。(用方程解)
28、图形计算。(本题共 4 分)
29、一个圆的周长是 37.68 分米,这个圆的面积是多少平方分米?五、发挥你的聪明才智 请你用心解一解。 ( 本题共 36 分,34 题 6 分,其余每小题 5 分)
30、30、第二十九届奥林匹克运动会将于 2008 年在北京举行,外国游客到北京旅游的数量不断增加,2005 年入境到北京旅游的人数是 362.9 万人次,2006 年入境到北京旅游的人数是 390.3万人次, 2006 年入境到北京旅游的人数比 2005 年多百分之几?
31、一列客车以每小时行 80 千米的速度从甲站开往乙站, 同时有一列货车以每小时 60 千米的速度从乙站开往甲站,经过 3.5 小时两车相遇。甲乙两站之间的铁路长多少千米?
32、六一儿童节到了,学校要把 522 个果冻按人数分给五、六两个年级的学生,已知五年级有 84 人,六年级有 90 人。 那么五、六年级各分得多少个果冻?33、果园里苹果树和梨树共有 48 棵,其中苹果树的棵数是梨树的51。梨树有多少棵?(用方程解)
1.__A___has just taken his first step into_____.
A. Man; space B. The man; space C. Man; the space D. Men; a space
2. They are ___D__.
A. mathematics student
B. student with mathematics
C. students with mathematics
D. students of mathematics
3. Though our home was right in the center of the tornado, there was__C___
A few damages
B. few of damages
C little damage
D. little of damage
4. She knows that as a secretary she must be pleasant and helpful no matter how busy she is or what kind of __A___ she may be in.
A. mood B mind C. form D thought
5. He dropped the __D___ and broke it.
A.cup of coffee
B. coffee"s cup
C cup for coffee
D. coffee cup
6. I have a dream that we will one day live in a ___B__ where we"ll have a lot of trees and fresh air.
A. state B. country C. nation D space
7. He went to the front a soldier and came back __C___.
A to be a general
B. becoming a general
C. a general
D. being a general
8. As the plane came down through the clouds, green fields and white houses came into___B__.
A. light B sight C. eyes D. effect
9. He is used to __B___.
A. work hard
B. hard work
C work hardly
D hard-working
10. He went back to the hall to try his ___D__ at finding his lost gold watch, but never found it.
A best B success C. result D. luck
11. It"s really _B____ computer games. But remember not to play too much
A. funs B. fun C funny D. a fun
12. He left __B___ with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon. He said he would like keep _____.
A. words; his words
B word; his word
C word; word
D. the word; his word
13. The child is looking forward to ___B__the Great Wall.
A visiting to
B a visit to
C visit
D. be visited
14. The new law will come into __A___on the day when it is passed.
A. effect B being C. service D existence
15. -Did your father give you courage?
-Yes, but I spoke from my own thought and certainly not_D____.
A him B. his C from him D from his
16. I love thinking of new designs. It keeps my mind clear and active and fills my retired life with __C___.
A. surprise B anxiety C joy D. difference
17. What a ___D__ that your mother is ill again.
A pain B. sorrow C sadness D. pity
18. He told me he had been offered a well-paid ___D__.
A. business B service C work D. position
19. There was a small __B___ of sugar in the bowl.
A. number B. amount C part D. size
20. Today CCTV offers a great__A___ of programs to meet the different needs and_____.
A. variety; tastes
B. many; interests
C. deal; like
D. number; habits
21. Mary regretted __A___ to John’s birthday party last Sunday.
A. not going B. not to go C. not having been going D. not to be going
22. The famous novel is said ___C__ into Chinese.
A. to have translated B. to be translate
C. to have been translated D. to translate
23. Standing on the bank, the children watched the ship _B____ with all kinds of goods.
A. loading B. being loaded C. to be loaded D. having loaded
24. I __D___ writing the article by the time you get back.
A. shall finish B. must have finished
C. have finished D. shall have finished
25. Mary never tells anyone what she does for a __D___.
A. job B. work C. profession D. living
26. I’m sorry I couldn’t get in touch with him before he left, I __C___ him earlier.
A. had a telephone B. have phoned
C. should have phoned D. should be phoned
27. With the old man ___A__ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.
A. leading B. led C. lead D. to be led
28. ___D__ anything about the accident, he went to work as well.
A. Not know B. Know not C. Knowing not D. Not knowing
29. Nowhere else in the world ___C__ more attractive scenery than in Switzerland.
A. you can find B. is found C. can you find D. has been found
30. The voters told the politician that he could ___C__ on their support in the next general elections.
A. expect B. decide C. count D. doubt
31. An old friend from abroad, __B___ I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me from the airport.
A. that B. whom C. who D. which
32. Peter wishes that he __C___ law instead of literature when he was in college.
A. could study B. studied C. had studied D. would study
33. When she heard the bad news, she __C___ completely.
A. broke away B. broke up C. broke down D. broke out
34. He ___A__ a large fortune from his business.
A. made B. won C. expected D. gained
35. He never wrote to his father __B___ he was in need of money.
A. except B. except when C. except for D. except that
36. He looked behind him to ___C__ he was not being followed.
A. believe B. find C. make sure D. look
37. The car was repaired but not quite to my __D___.
A. joy B. pleasure C. attraction D. satisfaction
38. Are you __A___ spending more money on the space program?
A. in favor of B. by favor of C. in favor to D. out of favor
39. Fortunately, the demonstration _B____ to be quite peaceful.
A. turned in B. turned out C. showed off D. showed up
40. __A___ was unimportant.
A. Whether he enjoyed our dinner or not
B. No matter how he enjoyed our dinner
C. If he enjoyed our dinner
D. What he enjoyed our dinner
41. It is __D___interesting book. It gives _____wonderful picture of what _____ life was like in ____ Victorian times.
A. a; the; the; the B an; a; ╳; the
C. the; the; ╳; ╳ D. an, a, ╳, ╳
42. Everybody should mind __A__own business.
A. his B. one’s C their D. theirs
43.__C___of March is my sister’s birthday.
A. The twenty-one B. Twenty- one C. The twenty-first D. Twenty –first
44. If the local government took some measures, there would be _B___crimes in the town.
A. less B. fewer C. many D. little
45. You’ll run __D__trouble if you don’t take care.
A down B. at C. across D. into
46. They returned successfully from __C__moon to ____earth .
A. ╳, ╳ B. ╳, the C. the, the D the, ╳
47. “Did Jack and Tom go to the film yesterday evening?” “No. __C___of them did.”
A. Either B. Not one C. Neither D. No one
48. A student should be __C___ intense concentration.
A. capable to B. able of C capable of D. able to
49. He was __C__for murder .
A. hang B. hung C. hanged D. hanging
50. The rain __A___and the air was clean.
A. had stopped B. has stopped C. will stop D. was stopped
51. Mary said she__C__ to Beijing twice.
A. had gone B. want C. had been D was
52. Must I attend the meeting? __B___.
A. Yes, you need. B. No, you needn’t. C. Yes, you do. D. No, you don’t.
53.Finally his boss found an excuse and had him __D__from the factory.
A. dismiss B. dismissing C. to dismiss D dismissed
54. My bicycle needs __B____.
A. repaired B. repairing C. to repair D. being repaired.
55. People ___A__in this firm were mostly women.
A working B. worked C work D. being working
56. They requested that we __D__a delegation to their country.
A would send B. were to send C. sent D. should send
57. English ___D__all over the world. And many children start to learn English at very young age.
A. is speaking B. speaking C. speaks D. is spoken
58. If I __B___ his telephone number I _____him.
A knew, call B. knew, would call C. have known, call D. knew, am calling
59. On seeing an old woman __B___off. A young man rushed up to help her.
A. falling B fall C. fell D. felt
60. “My daughter _B_____in 1997,” she told her friend.
A. did marriage B. got married C. had married D. married
61. But for the heavy rain, they ___C__earlier.
A will have come B came C. would have come D. had come.
62. She has the ability to keep __B___in an emergency.
A. calmly B. calm C. to be calm D. being calm
63. She _C___ that they can mistake this for that.
A thinks B. does think C. doesn’t think D. hasn’t thought
64. Sometimes we may ask ourselves __D___the result will be if an earthquake strikes in our area.
A. that B. which C. whether D. what
65. We even have no idea __C__will happen, so we all feel nervous.
A in which B. in what C. of what D. of which
66. John bought a new car on the day when _C___him.
A did we meet B. have met C. we met D. we meet
67. How _C___he plays the violin!
A. graceful B. grace C. gracefully D. gracefulness
68. We decided against turning to others for help for the reason _C___we could manage to control it.
A. because B. for which C. that D. why
69. We left the mother a note __C__she was worried when she came back.
A. if B. so that C. in case D. unless
70. Professor Black has us __D___a composition every Friday.
A to write B written C. wrote D. write
71. We want him to give it up but he won’t __C___to it.
A. accept B. admit C. agree D. allow
72. Summer is coming. Poor Jack has to __B___money from his sister to buy an air-condition.
A. lend B. borrow C. let D .ask
73. Lao Wu __C___silent at the meeting.
A. was remaining B. is remaining C. remained D. had been remained.
74. Everyday, the old lady walks _B____ Ren Min Theatre.
A pass B. past C. passing D. passed
75. ___D__the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids is not known..
A Which B. Since C. That D. How
76. __A___I am pleased to go to his birthday party and I will bring him a very beautiful present.
A If invited B. If he were invited C. If he invited D. Being invited
77. -“Are you going to Xian by plane?”
-“If Helen wants to go there by plane, ___A__”
A. so will I B. so I will C. so I do D. so do I
78. She often loves to count on others to help. But __B___.
A . neither do I B. I don’t. C. so do I D. nor I do
79. The film today is much more interesting than __D____yesterday.
A. that B. it C. one D. the one
80. -“Do you follow the doctor’s advice that you should lie in bed for a rest?”
A. Yes , I will. B. No , I am not. C. Yes, perfectly. D. No, I haven’t.
81. You can’t see many __B__ in a hospital.
A. man nurse B. men nurses C. men nurse D. man nurses
82. I prefer playing ____D___football in ______summer.
A. the, the B. X, the C. the, X D. X, X
83. Lend me your motorcycle; ____D___is out of order.
A. it B. me C. my D. mine
84. John smith_____A___ a letter to his mother yesterday.
A. wrote B. had wrote C. was written D. writes
85. ____A___are nine.
A. Three threes B. Three and three C. Three three D. Threes and threes
86. Tom is their __D___son.
A. the 2th B. 2th C. the 2nd D. 2nd
87. They competed to see who could work _A____.
A. the fastest and the best B. the faster and better
C. fastest and better D. faster and best
88. The box is ___C___than I wanted.
A. biger B. the biger C. bigger D. the bigger
89. ____A__, I finished it yesterday.
A. As a matter of fact B. As the matter of fact
C. As the fact of matter D. As a fact of matter
90. A monument was put up ____B_____those killed in battle.
A. the honors B. in honor of C. for honor of D. to honoring
91. The school bus___B_____ with the students.
A. were crowded B. was crowded C. crowded D. was crowding
92. He ____A_____ not work hard. That was why he failed in the exam.
A. did B. was C. does D. is
93. I saw your name___B___ up on the wall.
A. writen B. written C. wrote D writing
94. Sometimes ___C__to place physics and chemistry into separate categories.
A. difficult B. is difficult C. it is difficult D. that is difficult
95. Some birds migrate to the south when___C_____.
A. does winter come B. comes winter
C. winter comes D. winter will come
96. I____C_____ leave my office that day.
A. can’t B. may not C. couldn’t D. won’t
97. They____C____ have told me about it yesterday.
A. oughted to B. oughted C. ought to D. ought
98. ___B___by his brother, the boy has a deep love for music.
A. Being influenced B. Influenced C. Influencing D. Having influenced
99. The door was __A___and I could not see who she was talking to.
A. shut B. shutted C. shutting D. being shut
100. Their house ___D__when they were away on holiday.
A. broken into B. breaking into C. is broken into D. was broken into
101. Don"t get into the bad ___A___ of smoking or drinking.
A. habit B. custom C. hobby D. profession
102. I like your methods of teaching and shall ____B____ them in my teaching.
A. absorb B. adopt C. acquire D. afford
103. Feeling tired all the time is a __ C __ that you may be sick.
A. mark B. sight C. sign D. trace
104. I take this medicine twice a day; it should __B___ my cold.
A. care B. cure C. restore D. recover
105. Music often _____C___ us of events in the past.
A. remembers B. memorizes C. reminds D. reflects
106. It is well-known that retired workers in our country are ___A __ free medical care.
A. entitled to B. involved in C. associated with D. engaged in
107. The two boys __B__ each other in that they both have reddish hair and a round face.
A. like B. resemble C. similar to D. refer to
108. There is not much time left, so I will tell you about it ___B___.
A. in detail B. in brief C. in short D. in all
109. Large passenger planes often carry weather instruments with which to ___B___ storm.
A. broadcast " B. predict C. inform D. investigate
110. How many radios will this factory __C____ this year?
A. multiply B. measure C. manufacture D. publish
111. Tom told me that he would have to ___B___ her invitation to the party.
A. avoid B. refuse C. deny D. ignore
112. Many new __A___ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.
A. opportunities B. necessities C. realities D. probabilities
113. The rain was heavy and ___A__ the land was flooded.
A. consequently B. continuously C. constantly D. conversely
114. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become __C___
A. hurt B. damaged C. spoiled D. harmed
115.The police are ___D__ the road accident that occurred last night. .
A. looking up B. looking on C. looking out D. looking into
116. Important people don"t often have much free time as their work ___C___ almost all their time.
A. takes away B. takes over C. takes up D. takes in
117. Very few scientists ____C___ with completely new answers to the world"s problems.
A. come round B. come in
C. come up D. come on
118. The __D__ edition of the dictionary is far better than the previous ones.
A. late B. last C. lasting D. latest
119. I have been ___A___ to try these pills for seasickness.
A. advised B. admitted C. recalled D. suggested
120. We did not send you an invitation, as we took it for ___A_____ you would be coming.
A. granted B. sure C. positive D. known
121. The little girl held ___B___in her hand.
A. a box of match B. a box of matches
C. a box’s matches D. matchs of boxes
122. She was short-sighted. She has to wear __A____glasses.
A. a pair of B. a couple of C. a D. two
123. There is __A__cup on the table. ______cup is full of _____tea.
A. a, the, X B. a, a, X C. the, the, X D. a, a, the
124. I began to learn __B___English in _____1980.
A. the, the B. X, X C. X, the D. the, X
125. We’ll have to hurry. There’s not __A___time left.
A. much B. many C. lots of D. a lot of
126. Some of the ties go with the shirts and __D__are sold separately.
A. anothers B. some other C. the other D. others
127. The moon’s surface gravity is only about __B____as strong as the earth’s surface gravity.
A. one-six B. one-sixth C. six-one D. one-sixst
128. Over __A___of China’s inhabitants belong to the Han nationality.
A. nine-tenths B. nine-tenth C. ninth-ten D. ninths-ten
129. ___C___haste, ______speed.
A. More, less B. Much, little C. The more, the less D. The much, the little
130. Mary speaks English __A___she speaks French.
A. better than B. more better than C. gooder than D. more goodly than
131.I noticed his eyes ___A___, because they were very large.
A. in particular B. with particular C. in special D. with special
132. We ought to be there __B___nine twenty.
A. until B. by C. in D. for
133.How long __A__he studied English.
A. has B. is C. will D. does.
134.The pilot over there has __D___for years.
A. fly B. flied C. flew D. flown
135. The telephone __C___for three minutes before it was answered.
A. has rung B. was ringing C. had been ringing D. rang
136. Don’t smoke until the plane __C___off.
A. takes B. took C. has taken D. had taken
137. I’m sorry to __A__you all that. But you’ll see that I’ve done that for your good.
A. have to tell B. must tell C. ought to tell D. shall tell
138. I won’t allow my son to swim across the river, even if he _C____it. It’s too dangerous.
A. dares do B. dared do C. dare do D. is dare do
139.The monitor ___D__ill, we’d better put the meeting off.
A. is B. has been C. been D. being
140. She gazed, her hands _B___to her breast.
A. clasp B. clasped C. clasping D. to clasp
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